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Cross-Border Payments: The Role of Data Standardization in Achieving Frictionless Payments

In society today it’s safe to assume that composing, sending, receiving and interpreting email is second nature. We do it across different devices, on the go, in meetings, at work, at home — you name it — and we do it efficiently and effortlessly. If we were to ask Malcolm Gladwell, he’d say that of … Continued The post Cross-Border Payments: The Role of Data Standardization in Achieving Frictionless Payments appeared first on Ripple.

PlanetWatch Announces the Listing of the PLANETS Token on Bitfinex Exchange

PRESS RELEASE. Planetwatch , a French start-up which decentralizes and incentivizes environmental monitoring, announced that its utility token, PLANETS, will be listed on Bitfinex on June 4th . PLANETS are the first Algorand Standard Asset (barring stablecoins) to be supported on a major international exchange. Claudio Parrinello, PlanetWatch’s CEO said: “This is a major milestone for PlanetWatch. Less than 18 months after company creation, and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we have managed to demonstrate that our Smart City as a Service solution, based on community sensor deployment and crowdsourced air quality data, can deliver business-grade data feeds in a fast and cost-effective way.” PlanetWatch revolutionizes the way we measure air quality by using the Algorand Blockchain, IoT-enabled sensors and AI-based data analysis. PlanetWatch incentivizes citizens to operate air quality sensors and earn token rewards for data streams. Sean Lee, CEO of the Algorand Foundation, said : “W

Payments Firm Square May Build a Hardware Wallet, Dorsey Heckled at Bitcoin Conference Over Censorship

The cofounder of Twitter and the CEO of the payments firm Square, Jack Dorsey, has revealed his firm is contemplating creating a bitcoin hardware wallet in collaboration with the community. Dorsey revealed this in a tweetstorm and said he wanted to share some “guiding principles” concerning this possible venture. Dorsey: ‘Square Is Considering Making a Hardware Wallet for Bitcoin’ On Friday, Jack Dorsey tweeted about the possibility of Square creating a bitcoin hardware wallet and discussed a number of principles the firm is guided by when approaching the subject. The founder of Twitter and Square explained that what the company creates needs to be “open,” as he noted that “bitcoin is for everyone.” “Square is considering making a hardware wallet for bitcoin. If we do it, we would build it entirely in the open, from software to hardware design, and in collaboration with the community,” Dorsey tweeted. “We want to kick off this thinking the right way: by sharing some of our guiding

Alternative Mining Algorithms Reap Higher Profits Than Bitcoin Mining in 2021

Cryptocurrencies have jumped quite a bit in value over the course of the year and miners who verify transactions and earn digital assets have seen significant profits. While bitcoin miners have been seeing daily profits rise, a great number of other mineable digital currencies are pulling in much larger yields. Blake256R14 and Ethash Machines Pull Bigger Profits Than SHA256 Mining Devices The overall valuation of all cryptocurrencies in existence is around $1.5 trillion as digital asset values have risen considerably in 2021. While a great number of blockchains leverage consensus algorithms like proof-of-stake (PoS), there’s plenty of coins that can be mined with a machine like an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining rig. Mining rigs that can mine bitcoin (BTC) using the SHA256 algorithm can bring in anywhere between $7 to $16 per day in profits. That’s of course if the miner is using the latest hardware with at least 50 terahash per second (TH/s) of hashpower.

Biden Makes Cryptocurrency a Focus of New Anti-Corruption Directive for National Security

Cryptocurrency is a point of focus in President Joe Biden’s new directive aimed at combating corruption as a core national security interest of the U.S. An official of the Biden administration says that major parts of the directive will focus on cryptocurrency and cybercrime. Crypto a Focus in Biden’s New Directive for National Security President Joe Biden has issued a new directive to federal agencies to prioritize efforts to confront global anti-corruption. It was published in the “Memorandum on Establishing the Fight Against Corruption as a Core United States National Security Interest,” published by the White House on Thursday. An administration official explained that the memorandum is important because it publicly notifies federal agencies to “up their anti-corruption game,” CNBC reported Friday. Major parts of the directive will be focused on financial crimes, including steps to modernize existing anti-corruption laws to confront cryptocurrencies and cybercrime, the officia

India’s Central Bank RBI Still Has ‘Major Concerns’ About Crypto After Saying Ban No Longer Valid

The governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Shaktikanta Das, has clarified the central bank’s position regarding cryptocurrency. His statements followed a notice published by the RBI telling banks that its crypto banking restriction is no longer valid and cannot be cited. RBI Still Has Major Concerns About Crypto RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das clarified the central bank’s position on cryptocurrency In a post monetary policy press meeting Friday. Emphasizing that “There is no change in RBI’s position” regarding cryptocurrencies, Das said: With regards to RBI’s position, we have major concerns about crypto currencies, which we have conveyed to the government. And, with regard to investors, it is for each investor to do his own due diligence and take a very careful and prudent call. This clarification followed a notice posted by the RBI telling banks that its April 2018 circular which banned banks from dealing with cryptocurrencies is no longer valid and cannot be cited or quot

Crypto E-Commerce Giant Supports eToro Social Impact Non-Profit, GoodDollar

PRESS RELEASE. – Los Angeles, CA the premier crypto E-commerce platform will donate $50,000 to eToro’s flagship corporate social responsibility project GoodDollar , a non-profit initiative that distributes free crypto-based universal basic income (UBI) as part of its mission to onboard and educate the next billion digital assets users.’s $50,000 donation will be used to support the blockchain-based fund that sustainably mints and distributes digital basic income every day to more than 250,000 members in over 180 countries. GoodDollar stands apart for its scalable and sustainable approach to generating a crypto-based UBI, that leverages the principles of impact investing to enable financial supporters to earn rewards while using their crypto for good to fund a social project.’s $50,000 donation will be locked in the sustainable donation basic income fund, a smart contract that donates with all earned interest donated back to beneficiaries as basic

Crypto Consolidation Continues — Bitcoin’s Attempt to Rise Above Psychological Levels Falls Short

Digital currency markets have slid in value over the last 12 hours as the entire crypto-economy has lost over 7% during the last 24 hours. Bitcoin attempted to cross the $40k handle but was stopped at $39,490. Since then, bitcoin has dipped 7.3% during the early morning (EST) trading sessions on Friday. Bitcoin $40K Attempt Stopped Short, Crypto Prices Remain Range-Bound Bitcoin (BTC) is down today after trying to surpass the psychological $40,000 region but was stopped short. BTC is down more than 7.3% today and is currently swapping for $35,890 per unit. The leading crypto asset BTC lost some steam after Elon Musk tweeted about the digital currency on Twitter by sharing some memes and a broken heart emoji. BTC /USD on Friday, June 4, 2021. 30 day stats show BTC is down 36% while three-month stats show bitcoin ( BTC ) has lost over 25%. The leading crypto asset’s all-time high above the $64k handle took place around two months ago. ETH /USD on Friday, June 4, 2021.

Bitcoin Dips as Elon Musk Tweets Broken Heart Emoji

The price of the leading cryptocurrency took a hit after billionaire Elon Musk mentioned Bitcoin in a new tweet hinting at a breakup. Musk’s latest crypto post, featuring a broken heart emoji and a reference to a Linkin Park song, effectively halted this week’s market rebound. Musk Tweet Pushes Bitcoin Price Down Before the Weekend Famous entrepreneur Elon Musk has added another tweet to a string of social media posts that have deeply affected cryptocurrency markets over the past few weeks. Reasserting his role as a market influencer, this time Musk trolled Bitcoin with a hint at a possible split with the leading crypto that he has been targeting lately. #Bitcoin 💔 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 4, 2021 In another enigmatic tweet, Musk wrote “#Bitcoin” adding a broken heart emoji and a meme of what looks like a couple discussing their breakup. The text accompanying the picture is a reference to the lyrics of “In the End,” a popular song by American

Crypto CFDs Are Popping Up Like Mushrooms – Here’s Why

Thanks to its high volatility and price momentum, cryptocurrency is an increasingly popular asset class amongst retail day traders. CFDs that track price changes in major tokens make cryptos even more accessible for investors without the steep learning curve that traditionally accompanies cryptocurrencies. Fewer Obstacles Attract Investors to Products That Mirror Cryptos 1-to-1 Over the last year, the resurgent popularity of cryptocurrencies, which has closely tracked the appreciation in major coins, has managed to drive more awareness and engagement than the previous adoption wave, demonstrating cryptos staying power. Besides drawing enormous attention to the space, more consumers than ever before are using cryptocurrencies as a means of transacting. For eager traders, cryptocurrencies’ opportunity is evident due to their volatile characteristics and rapid price swings. Unlike traditional asset classes like stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, or commodities, cryptocurrencies often ma

Bank of Ghana ‘in the Advanced Stages of Introducing a Digital Currency’— Governor Repeats Anti-Cryptocurrency Claims

The governor of Ghana’s central bank, Ernest Addison, has said his institution is now “in the advanced stages of introducing a digital currency.” However, before its release into circulation, the digital currency—which is also known as the “e-cedi”— will first have to go “through three phases.” Bank of Ghana’s Embrace of Emerging Fintechs In his comments during a news conference on May 31, Addison also reiterated the Bank of Ghana (BOG)’s desire to maintain its reputation as Africa’s leader when it comes to embracing emerging financial technologies. Ghana’s central bank governor, Ernest Addison. “The Bank of Ghana was one of the first African Central Banks to declare that we were working on a digital currency looking at the concept of an e-cedi,” revealed Addison. Meanwhile, one local media report quotes the BOG chief explaining the key phases which the digital cedi is expected to pass through before its release to the public. As Addison notes, the digital cedi has already go

Filipinos Can Now Cash in Crypto Without Fees Through Moneybees OTC Outlets

PRESS RELEASE. With cryptocurrency adoption increasing in the Philippines, Filipino users are looking for ways to convert their digital assets into cash at an affordable rate. The Central Bank of the Philippines has recorded P76 billion (US$ 1.5B) worth of transactions processed by local virtual currency exchanges (VCEs) in 2020, which is five times higher than the transaction volume in 2019. Moneybees , the pioneer of over-the-counter crypto (OTC) exchange in the Philippines, is changing the face of crypto transactions as it enables both OTC and online transactions to exchange cash and cryptocurrencies on the spot more conveniently. With Moneybees, cryptocurrency holders can convert their digital assets into cash without fees and get the funds within 10 minutes. What is Moneybees? Moneybees allows you to buy and sell major cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Altcoins like Ethereum, USDT , Chainlink, Uniswap, among others, at government-licensed Moneybees Partner Outlets without

Survey Finds Gen Z More Likely to Invest in Cryptocurrencies and Memes Over Traditional Investments

A recent study published by Gambler’s Pick notes that Gen Zers are less likely to invest in traditional investments like equities and more likely to invest in cryptocurrencies, meme investments, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Gen Z More Likely to Invest in Cryptocurrencies and Meme Investments Than Stocks and Common Assets The web portal published a study at the end of April that highlights the investment choices of Gen Zers. Generation Z or Gen Z for short is a demographic that succeeds Millennials. The group colloquially known as “zoomers,” were born between the mid-to-late 1990s and up until the early 2010s. The Gambler’s Pick survey notes that Gen Zers are more apt to invest in cryptocurrencies and NFTs over traditional stocks. The survey polled 872 people and 24% of the group represented Gen Z and 27% were Millennials. “25% were Gen Xers, and 24% were baby boomers or older,” the Gambler’s Pick study adds. Some key findings noted that Gen Z likes collectives

UK Regulator Extends Temporary Registrations Regime as Crypto Firms Fail to Meet AML Rules

Many companies operating with cryptocurrencies are not meeting anti-money laundering regulations, the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority revealed. The government agency has extended its temporary registration scheme after facing a growing number of crypto firms that are withdrawing their applications. FCA Extends Temporary Registrations Regime Till End of March 2022 The Financial Conduct Authority ( FCA ) announced Thursday it’s extending the end date of the Temporary Registrations Regime (TRR) for crypto businesses to March 31, 2022. The regulatory body pointed out that a “significantly high number” of companies are not meeting current anti-money laundering (AML) requirements which have resulted in “an unprecedented number” of entities withdrawing their applications. In a statement published on its website, the FCA noted: The extended date allows cryptoasset firms to continue to carry on business while the FCA continues with its robust assessment. Last year, the financial regul

Study Shows NFT Sales Plummeted 90% Over the Last 30 Days, NFT Wallets Dip 70%

According to a recent study, non-fungible token (NFT) sales have dive-bombed 90% since the market’s record sales on May 3. Market data shows over 130,000 NFT sales that day and 30 days later sales are down to a touch over 84,000, dropping more than 35% last month. Study Claims ‘NFT Bubble Has Popped’ Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been all the rage in 2021 and sales continue to this day. However, a recent study published by indicates that NFT sales have been dropping and NFT sale values have plummeted as well. The report shows that last month $102 million in NFTs were sold on May 3 and the latest seven-day data shows only “$19.4 million in NFT sales were processed in the past week.” The study shows the NFT ecosystem saw a 90% drop from the May 3 high and only a few projects are continuing to sell. Weekly data via Currently, projects like Cryptopunks and Hashmasks have been able to sustain sales, and market statistics from nonfu
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