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Showing posts from January 24, 2022

LBank Exchange Will List ADENE (ADEN) on January 27, 2022

PRESS RELEASE. INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, Jan. 25 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list ADENE (ADEN) on January 27, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the ADEN/ USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 18:00 (UTC+8) on January 27, 2022. The gambling industry has become an empire that is owned by some powerful bodies (centralized casino system) who are solely making profits only for themselves. As the first fully decentralized game system of the 4th generation, ADENE (ADEN) is here to disrupt the gambling culture, end this monopoly, and create its own realm of gambling to bring back equality and justice to the gambling industry. Its utility token ADEN will be listed on LBank Exchange at 18:00 (UTC+8) on January 27, 2022, to further expand its global reach and help it achieve its vision. Introducing ADENE As the first fully decentralized gambling system of the 4th generation, ADENE gives its community access to possibilities

Myanmar Military Government Proposes to Jail Digital Currency and VPN Users

Myanmar’s military-ruled government is proposing to enact laws that will see users of virtual private networks (VPN) and digital currencies being jailed for up to three years. In addition, offenders will be made to pay fines of up to $2,800. Draft Bill Open for Comments Myanmar’s military-ruled government is proposing to enact a law that outlaws the use of virtual private networks (VPN) and digital currencies in that country. Once enacted, violators of the new law not only face jail time but will be made to pay a fine. According to a report published by The Register, individuals caught using VPNs will face a possible jail sentence of between one and three years. In addition, offenders may also be asked to pay a fine of $2,800 or five million Myanmar Kyats. Digital currency users, on the other hand, face a minimum jail term of six months and a maximum of up to one year. They will also be liable to pay fines of up to $2,800. Besides targeting digital currency and VPN users, the mil

Goldman Sachs Sees the Metaverse as $8 Trillion Opportunity

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has predicted that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity. Several others have similarly predicted that the metaverse is a multitrillion-dollar market. Goldman Sachs Says the Metaverse Could Be an $8 Trillion Opportunity Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has predicted that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity. Goldman Sachs’ analyst Eric Sheridan explained the bank’s metaverse prediction in a recent “Exchanges at Goldman Sachs” episode, titled “Understanding the metaverse and web 3.0.” He was asked about the evolution of the metaverse ahead and how big the potential opportunity could be. The analyst replied: We think this could be as much as an $8 trillion opportunity on the revenue and monetization side. “We look at the digital economy today, which is roughly about 20%, 25% of the global economy … We see the digital economy continuing to grow, and on top of that we see a virtual economy that will grow within and a

Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki: Bitcoin Is Crashing, Will Buy When BTC Tests $20K

The author of the best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says he will buy more bitcoin if and when the price of the cryptocurrency tests $20K. He noted that bitcoin’s price crashing is “great news,” adding that the “Time to get richer is coming.” Robert Kiyosaki Plans to Buy More Bitcoin Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, tweeted Sunday about the price of bitcoin and when he will buy more BTC . Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for over six years. More than 32 million copies of the book have been sold in over 51 languages across more than 109 countries. Kiyosaki wrote: Price of bitcoin [is] crashing. Great news. I bought BTC at $6K and $9K. I will buy more if and when BTC tests $20K. Time to get richer is coming. He added that silver is the best bargain today, emphasizing, “Silver [is] still 50% below high.” Kiyosaki has been warning about a major cras

US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position

Since the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) project updated its mining map in mid-July, the United States has continued to dominate in terms of the amount of hashpower worldwide. Moreover, data shows that Foundry USA has managed to command the top pool position with 755 bitcoin block rewards mined during the last 30 days. The United States Commands a Large Concentration of Bitcoin Miners, 66 Exahash Recorded in the US on January 24 According to’s mining map , there is a large concentration of the Bitcoin network’s hashrate located in the United States. At the time of writing, data shows that 66.22 exahash per second (EH/s) or 35.4% of the global hashrate resides in the U.S., while 17.87 EH/s or 9.55% is located in Canada. Between Canada and the United States, the countries command 44.95% of the global hashrate. Pool operators located in the U.S. include Binance USA,, SBI Crypto US, Viabtc US, Poolin US, Slushpool US, Antpool US, F2poo

‘Ponzi Schemes Have Created a Negative Reputation for the Industry’ — Uganda Blockchain Advocate

Education and awareness campaigns are still viewed as important channels that draw people to cryptocurrencies and blockchain. This has been particularly true in some parts of Africa where bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are proving to be a useful alternative to fiat currency. Blockchain Education and Advocacy From Uganda Despite a surge in the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies that started with the pandemic-inspired lockdowns, many people, particularly in Africa, are still unfamiliar with these technologies. To bridge this knowledge gap, many blockchain enthusiasts in Africa have chosen to focus their efforts on educating their fellow countrymen on the basics of the blockchain. In Uganda, blockchain enthusiasts Daniel Mulondo and Killian Mugenyi have created a platform called Nileone , which not only aims to educate but also to help raise awareness about potential crypto scams. In an interview with News, Mugenyi explains how their efforts to raise pu

Luna Foundation Guard Launches to Support UST Peg as Stablecoin Blows Past $11B Market Cap

The Luna Foundation Guard, a new decentralized organization developed to support the Luna ecosystem, has been launched last week in Singapore. The institution will offer funding in the form of grants to support initiatives built on top of the Luna network. One of its biggest functions will be to establish a “forex reserve” that will aid UST, the companion stablecoin of the Luna ecosystem, to maintain its peg. Luna Foundation Guard Launches to Support Terra Ecosystem The Luna Foundation Guard, a non-profit organization, has launched to help support and maintain the Terra ecosystem as a decentralized counterparty to Terraform Labs, the company behind the UST currency. This organization will have different functions, including the promotion of the ecosystem and also the direct financing of different programs through grants , which will be given through its website starting January 31. Do Kwon, co-founder of Terraform Labs, announced this new initiative via Twitter, informing followe

No Developed Nation Bans Cryptocurrencies, Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Warns Russia

Pavel Durov, founder of the messaging app Telegram, has criticized Bank of Russia’s proposal to impose a blanket ban on a range of crypto-related activities. Such move would stifle high-tech development and chase away blockchain specialists, Durov says. Durov Speaks Out Against Bank of Russia Push for Crypto Ban The cryptocurrency ban proposed by the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) will destroy a number of high-tech sectors and spark an outflow of IT specialists, Pavel Durov, the man behind the popular-in-the-crypto-community messenger, Telegram, has predicted. The Russian entrepreneur also alerted that the restrictive policy would hinder blockchain development. In a Telegram post , Durov stated: No developed country bans cryptocurrencies. Reason: such a ban will inevitably slow down the development of blockchain technologies in general. These technologies improve the efficiency and safety of many human activities, from finance to arts. Durov emphasized that solutions based on dist
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