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Showing posts from February 28, 2022

Islamic Scholar Says Digital Currency is Not a ‘Fictitious Currency’

An Islamic scholar, Irshad Ahmad Ijaz, has asserted that digital currency is not fake currency and that it should be legitimized once certain conditions are met. Ijaz’s viewpoint is echoed by other scholars that attended a seminar examining the status of digital currencies from the perspective of Islamic law. Use of Crypto in the Digital Age An Islamic scholar or Mufti, Irshad Ahmad Ijaz, recently argued digital currencies are not so-called fictitious currency, a report has said. He, however, suggested that such currency can only be justified once certain conditions have been met. According to a report published by Academia, Ijaz, who made his remarks while speaking at a seminar held in Pakistan on cryptocurrencies — organized by the University of Karachi and the Al-Asr Foundation — also urged the Pakistani government to play its part and ensure the confusion surrounding the use of cryptos is removed. Meanwhile, the report also quotes another scholar, Ishaq Alam, who suggested th

Mars4 Metaverse Listing on KuCoin

Humans have always had the ambition to explore outer space. To this day, the Moon Landing remains etched in history as one of the most highly regarded events of all time, one that continues to inspire over half a century later. Space travel is still far from universally available, such that even the planets and moons of our Solar System are beyond our reach but for the hard work and effort of the world’s various space programmes. MARS4 Metaverse aspires to bring that dream closer. What is MARS4? MARS4 is a blockchain-based project consisting of three interconnected parts: NFTs, MARS4 dollars and the upcoming game. All these elements will come together to create an interactive virtual Mars with a self-sustaining economy. Like many blockchain games, MARS4 will be a Play-to-Earn game where NFTs and tokens are utilized as tools to give a rich and exciting experience of Mars for the players. With MARS4, you can own a unique Mars land NFT modeled after NASA’s Mars data. MARS4 land NFTs

A Project Called Fries DAO Raises $5.4 Million to Purchase Fast-Food Restaurants

The concept of leveraging a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) has become very popular these days, as a myriad of DAO ideas have been created. A new DAO dedicated to purchasing fast-food restaurants called Fries DAO has raised more than $5.4 million to achieve the goal. Fries DAO Creators Dream of a ‘DAO-Governed Fast-Food Franchise Empire’ Last week, News reported on a newly launched DAO that is attempting to purchase the NFL’s Denver Broncos football franchise for $4 billion. Ever since 2016’s Genesis DAO and the subsequent hack that followed, DAO concepts have grown in popularity and security seems stronger. Basically, a DAO is automated, decentralized, and operated by the community’s blockchain governance system. A DAO’s native token is typically leveraged to be used as a stake in governance voting processes, and for paying for goods, services, and future goals. A newly launched DAO called Fries DAO is attempting to leverage the DAO idea to purchase fas

Market Strategist Explains 4 Reasons Why BTC Is Rallying — ‘Ukraine Crisis Highlights How Bitcoin Can Act as a Support Mechanism’

On Monday, Sven Henrich, the founder and the lead market strategist for discussed bitcoin “rallying in the face of this crisis.” The technical analyst and market commentator highlighted four reasons why he believes bitcoin’s value surged — “Fundamental, Sentiment, Technical, [and] Safety trade.” Northmantrader’s Founder Sven Henrich Describes Why He Thinks ‘Bitcoin Is Rallying in the Face of Crisis’ The price of bitcoin (BTC) surged on Monday to a high of $44,256 per unit at 5:35 p.m. (EST). BTC ’s price hasn’t been this high in USD value in roughly 39 days, since January 20, 2022. Bitcoin’s price rise sparked a number of conversations on social media and forums during the course of the day. After the price of the leading crypto jumped, gold bug and economist Peter Schiff shared his two cents about the market action on Monday. “Gold and bitcoin are both up today,” Schiff tweeted . “But this move in no way implies a correlation. They’re rising for different reas

Hack VC Launches $200 Million Crypto Seed Fund

Hack VC, a crypto investment firm, has launched a new $200 million crypto-based seed fund. The venture capital company, which is behind the hack.summit() event, one of the biggest blockchain programming events in the world, aims to invest in early stage Web3-based teams. The idea behind this fund is to accompany these teams each step of the way, instead of just providing funding as with other, similar proposals. Hack VC Launches $200 Million Fund Backed by Sequoia Capital and Fidelity Hack VC, a crypto-led venture capital group behind the hack.summit() blockchain programming event, announced it is launching a new $200 million crypto seed fund, that aims to invest in early-stage cryptocurrency and Web3 teams. The funds come from several VC companies in the field and include investments from Sequoia Capital , Fidelity, A16z’s Marc Andreessen, and Digital Currency Group, among others. The fund aims to implement a different approach when it comes to incubating these early-stage ventur

Drilling at West Africa Abujar Gold Deposit Garners Over 503 Grams Per Tonne

Ivory Coast or Côte d’Ivoire’s Tietto Minerals recently said it had drilled and extracted as much as 503.85 grams per tonne from 83 metres at its Abujar Gludehi deposit. The drilling result moves the miner another step towards production on what may become West Africa’s biggest new gold mines, a report has suggested. The Abujar Deposit Tietto Minerals, the Ivory Coast-based gold miner, has reportedly drilled 503.85 grams per tonne (g/t) from 83 metres at its flagship Abujar-Gludehi deposit. On top of this very high grade, the miner’s other better results include a 10-metre hit which had 51.75 g/t. An even richer 3-metre section had about 171 g/t from the same depth. According to a report by The West, the Abujar-Gludehi deposit is, in fact, part of a larger Abujar gold project which is comprised of three “contiguous tenements” that have a total land area of 1,114 square kilometres. Similar to the Gludehi deposit, the report noted that the miner’s other prospects had delivered notew

Ukraine Targets Russian Politicians’ Crypto Wallets as Russian Banks Are Cut From SWIFT

Ukraine is now trying to expose cryptocurrency wallets used by politicians in Moscow amid warnings that Russia may employ digital coins to circumvent sanctions. The initiative comes as western allies agree to expel some Russian banks from SWIFT, the global interbank payments system. Government of Ukraine Seeks Info on Crypto Assets of Russian and Belarusian Officials Authorities in Kyiv have issued a call on social media for information about crypto wallets controlled by politicians in Russia and Belarus. On Saturday, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov announced on Twitter that the country’s crypto community will reward those who provide details leading to their identification. Ukrainian crypto community is ready to provide a generous reward for any information about crypto-wallets of Russian and Belarusian politicians and their surroundings. War crimes must be pursued and punished! To share info please contact in Telegram: . — Mykhailo Fedor
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