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Showing posts from August 28, 2023

High Proliferation of Crypto Scams in Africa Linked to Limited Educational Efforts — Mitroplus Labs Founder

According to Ivaibi Festo, the founder of Mitroplus Labs, a crypto and blockchain education organization, cybercriminals continue to find success in Africa because not enough is being done to educate residents on the basics of digital assets or the technology that underpins such assets. To make matters worse, the few African individuals who have made it either as traders or entrepreneurs often lack the desire to help their fellow residents become acquainted with the basics. Using Education to Strike Back Against Scammers However, Festo, who claims to have bought his first bitcoins in 2009, said African governments’ negative disposition as well as the stigma surrounding cryptos and the blockchain industry have helped convince some successful traders and entrepreneurs to reconsider. Meanwhile, the Mitroplus founder told News that in addition to educating residents and prospective users, his organization is also working to include regulators and legislators in its classes.

Lawmakers Object to Federal Reserve’s Stablecoin Guidelines — Say They Undermine Legislative Progress

Several U.S. lawmakers have objected to the Federal Reserve’s stablecoin regulatory guidelines, which they believe “will undoubtedly deter financial institutions from participating in the digital asset ecosystem.” According to the lawmakers, “ The Fed has chosen to effectively prevent banks from issuing payments stablecoins — or engaging in the payment stablecoin ecosystem.” Fed’s Efforts ‘Subvert Progress Made by Congress’ Three U.S. representatives sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell regarding stablecoin regulation last week. The letter, dated Aug. 23, was signed by Patrick McHenry (R-NC), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee; French Hill (R-AR), chairman of the Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion; and Bill Huizenga (R-MI), chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Congressman Hill stated Monday on the social media platform X: I sent a letter alongside Rep. Patrick McHenry and Rep. Bill Huizeng

Bankman-Fried Lawyers Seek Client’s Temporary Release for Trial Prep

Sam Bankman-Fried’s high-powered legal team is pushing for the FTX founder’s temporary release from jail ahead of his October trial on fraud charges. In a motion filed Thursday, lawyers Mark Cohen and Christian Everdell claim Bankman-Fried’s Sixth Amendment rights are being violated by inadequate access to discovery documents needed to help prepare his defense against allegations he misled investors and misused FTX client funds. Letter Claims FTX Founder’s Rights Breached: Lawyers Demand Expanded Trial Prep Access The lawyers argue Bankman-Fried needs “constant access” to an internet-connected laptop so he can review millions of pages of documents, conduct online research for context, draft analysis of evidence, and share information with his legal team. Under the current plan allowing Bankman-Fried just 12 hours per week at a courthouse computer with no internet, the lawyers say he is deprived of the 80-100 hours he spent prepping pre-jail. They also object to the government dum

Unveiling the Mystery: Recognizing the Profound Significance of Satoshi’s Anonymity

From the genesis of Bitcoin’s inception to the contemporary landscape, the mystery surrounding the true identity of its architect, Satoshi Nakamoto, persists as an unrivaled enigma within the cryptocurrency realm. Despite the global reverberations stemming from bitcoin ( BTC ) and the revolutionary blockchain technology underpinning it, Nakamoto’s identity, modus operandi, and motivations for upholding an unwavering cloak of secrecy continue to be shrouded in the shadows. The Cryptic Enigma of Satoshi Nakamoto: A Virtuoso of Concealment in the World of Crypto Behind the moniker Satoshi Nakamoto, presumed to be a pseudonymous entity, lies the individual or collective entity credited with unleashing the Bitcoin network upon the world stage. Their hands penned the seminal Bitcoin white paper , forged the initial blueprint for its practical implementation, and orchestrated the debut of the inaugural blockchain ledger in January 2009. In the chronicles of Bitcoin’s evolution, Nakamoto p

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres Calls for Reform of ‘Outdated, Dysfunctional, and Unfair’ Global Financial Architecture

Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations (U.N.), has noted changes that need to happen with today’s financial institutions to fit into the current multilateral world. During the recent BRICS leaders summit, Guterres said that the current “outdated, dysfunctional, and unfair” financial system needs to be reformed, including Bretton Woods institutions. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres: We Must Urgently Reinvigorate Multilateralism Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations (U.N.), has called to embrace cooperation and multilateralism, explaining that there was “no choice” as the world becomes more multipolar. At the recent BRICS leaders summit in Johannesburg, Guterres stated that multipolarity was not guaranteed to achieve peace and that more should be done to grow a “global community.” Guterres blasted the global establishment, stating: As the global community moves towards multipolarity, we desperately need a strengthened and reformed multil

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Calls for De-Dollarization of the Global Economy

Nicolas Maduro, the president of Venezuela, has called to de-dollarize the global economy due to the difficulties the current system brings to emerging countries affected by U.S. sanctions. In a message directed to the BRICS leaders, Maduro called to establish alternative settlement systems using national currencies. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Reinforces the Need to Create a De-Dollarized Economic System Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, has called for creating an emerging economic system away from the dominance of the U.S. dollar. In a message sent as part of Venezuela’s participation in the BRICS leader summit, held recently in Johannesburg, Maduro stated the reality of the geopolitical situation of the last years has reinforced the need for the de-dollarization of the world economy. Maduro said this had to be done due to the “indiscriminate use and abuse of the U.S. dollar as a tool for waging an economic war against the free people of the world.” Venezuela has
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