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Showing posts with the label Platinum coin

Biden Aides Explore Minting $1 Trillion Platinum Coin as Solution to Impending Debt Default

As the United States stares down the barrel of a potential debt default come June, a curious and intriguing solution has emerged: crafting a single $1 trillion platinum coin. This unusual tactic exploits a legal loophole that allows the Treasury Department to mint platinum coins of any value. By delivering such a coin to the U.S. central bank, the Treasury would create enough funds to settle its debts. Though this proposal might sound bizarre, it’s gained traction as a potential escape route from the impending debt catastrophe. The Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin Idea to Stave off U.S. Debt Default Returns Devotees of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) will be thrilled to learn that the trillion-dollar coin concept is making headlines once more as America edges ever closer to defaulting on its debt. Just three days ago, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen cautioned that a U.S. debt default could likely result in an “economic and financial catastrophe.” As tensions rise over the debt ceiling, ta
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