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Showing posts from July 3, 2024

EU–US Financial Forum Highlights Cooperation on Crypto Regulation

The EU–U.S. Joint Financial Regulatory Forum took place last week, with participants exchanging views on topics of mutual interest as part of their regular financial regulatory dialogue. The dialogue was hosted by the European Commission and the U.S. Department of the Treasury. During the forum, participants discussed digital finance and crypto assets, focusing on regulatory […]

IMF Advises US to Keep Interest Rates Steady Through Late 2024

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has advised the U.S. to improve its fiscal position by reducing spending and increasing revenues. The IMF emphasizes addressing rising debt through policy adjustments and recommends maintaining current interest rates until late 2024. “Given those risks, we agreed that the Fed should keep policy rates at the current level until […]

South African Regulator Investigates 30 Cases of Unlicensed Crypto Operations

The Enforcement Division within South Africa’s Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has formed a team to investigate individuals or entities operating crypto financial services without proper licenses. Currently, 30 cases are under scrutiny. The FSCA aims to protect the public and maintain industry fairness by taking decisive action against unlawful crypto businesses. The regulator will […]
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