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Showing posts from February 24, 2022

NoVa Battles: A Play to Earn Mobile Game That’s Building It’s Own Universe

PRESS RELEASE. NoVa Battles is a PlayToEarn mobile MOBA game developed with the core focus on implementing blockchain technology. The company started conceptualizing the prospect of a blockchain game back in 2019, after which they have been experimenting with designs, systems, and partnerships for two years. The drive to build an open ecosystem for all stakeholders requires extensive analysis before implementation. The NoVa Battles team has decided to develop a simplistic game design and game economy controlled by the community’s votes and needs – a decentralized autonomous organization or DAO during the last two years. It is known as the People’s Game. The players drive the game, and the game’s prospects will be decided on the community’s wants. The core value of a DAO has a gradual progression in the transferral of executive power from the initial developing company to the end-users and stakeholders. The implementation of a DAO system will be gradual throughout 36 months. The vis

India Unveils Guidelines for Crypto Advertising

The Advertising Standards Council of India has released guidelines for the advertising and promotion of crypto assets and related services. “We had several rounds of discussion with the government, finance sector regulators, and industry stakeholders before framing these guidelines.” India’s Crypto Ad Guidelines Published The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) published Wednesday “guidelines for advertising and promotion of virtual digital assets and services.” The guidelines are applicable to all advertisements related to virtual digital assets (VDA) which are “commonly referred to as crypto or NFT [non-fungible token] products,” ASCI explained. ASCI Chairman Subhash Kamath described: We had several rounds of discussion with the government, finance sector regulators, and industry stakeholders before framing these guidelines. Firstly, all crypto-related ads must carry the disclaimer that states: “Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. Ther

US Secret Service Launches Crypto Awareness Hub to Educate the Public on Digital Asset Security

The U.S. Secret Service has launched a cryptocurrency awareness hub. The new platform “will feature the latest in the agency’s work combating illicit use of digital assets as well as provide public awareness information on digital asset security and how to ensure it remains secure.” Secret Service’s Crypto Awareness Hub The U.S. Secret Service announced last week that it “has launched a cryptocurrency public awareness hub.” Established in 1865 as a bureau in the Treasury Department to suppress widespread counterfeiting, the Secret Service is now under the Department of Homeland Security. Its website states: “We have an integrated mission of protection and financial investigations to ensure the safety and security of our protectees, key locations, and events of national significance.” The announcement details: The new website will feature the latest in the agency’s work combating illicit use of digital assets as well as provide public awareness information on digital asset securi

Solana-Based Defi Margin Trading Protocol Raises $3 Million in Seed Funding

On Wednesday, the team behind Solana-based decentralized finance (defi) margin protocol Marginfi, announced Mrgn Labs has raised $3 million in seed funding from investors. With the recently acquired funds, Marginfi aims to build the first cross-margining engine on the Solana blockchain. Mrgn Labs Gets $3 Million in Funding From Strategic Investors Mrgn Labs has revealed the company has raised $3 million from investors in order to bolster defi margin trading, according to a press release announcement on Wednesday. Mrgn Labs is the team behind the defi margin protocol called Marginfi , a protocol that allows traders to access margin in a decentralized fashion. Mrgn Labs disclosed that the funding round was co-led by Multicoin Capital and Pantera Capital. Furthermore, Solana Ventures and Sino Global Capital participated in the fundraising as well. “In 2021, we saw an explosion of innovative financial products emerge across defi,” Edgar Pavlovsky, the founder of Mrgn Labs explained dur
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