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Showing posts from October 18, 2022

EU Commissioner Urges US to Create New Crypto Rules — Says ‘We Need to Look at Global Regulation of Crypto’

The European Commission’s commissioner for financial services has reportedly urged U.S. lawmakers to establish new rules to regulate the crypto industry. “We do need to see other players also legislating … We need to look at global regulation of crypto,” said the commissioner. EU Commissioner Calls on U.S. Lawmakers to Establish New Crypto Rules Mairead McGuinness, the European Commission’s commissioner for financial services, talked about cryptocurrency regulation in an interview with the Financial Times, published Tuesday. Referencing the Markets in Crypto-Assets ( MiCA ) bill that will provide a regulatory framework for crypto across countries in the European Union, she stressed that any regulation imposed on the crypto industry would need to be global in order to work. The commissioner elaborated: We do need to see other players also legislating … perhaps differently, but with the same objective . . . We need to look at global regulation of crypto. McGuinness urged U.S. law

Bank of America and JPMorgan Say US Economy Is Doing Well, Consumers Are in Good Shape Despite Inflation

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan and JPMorgan & Chase CEO Jamie Dimon both agree that the U.S. economy is doing well and consumers are in good shape. “The consumers basically have more money in their accounts by multiples than they did pre-pandemic,” said the Bank of America chief. Bank of America’s CEO: US Economy Is in ‘Pretty Good Shape’ Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan said at the Institute of International Finance (IIF) annual membership meeting in Washington, D.C., last week that the U.S. economy is in good shape despite inflation, jittery markets, and international tensions, Bloomberg reported. Emphasizing that the Federal Reserve has to raise rates to slow down inflation and act against the spending forces of U.S. consumers, Moynihan was quoted as saying: The toughest challenge for the Fed is actually one of the best things about the U.S. economy — is that it’s in pretty good shape. “The consumers basically have more money in their accounts by multiples than the

Biden Says US Economy Is ‘Strong as Hell’ — White House Claims the President ‘Has Done the Work’ to Fix Inflation

U.S. President Joe Biden has been criticized for stating that the U.S. economy is “strong as hell” as inflation rises to a 40-year high. Meanwhile, the White House claims that Biden understands and “has done the work” to fix the inflation issue. Joe Biden Believes the U.S. Economy Is ‘Strong as Hell’ President Joe Biden was criticized on social media Monday for stating over the weekend that the U.S. economy is “strong as hell.” Responding to a reporter’s question Saturday about whether he had any worry about the strength of the U.S. dollar amid rising inflation, Biden replied while eating ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Portland, Oregon: I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Our economy is strong as hell. “Inflation is worldwide. It’s worse off than it is in the United States,” he continued. “So the problem is the lack of economic growth and sound policy in other countries, not so much ours.” Many people took to Twitter

France’s 3rd Largest Bank Societe Generale’s Subsidiary Obtains Registration as Digital Asset Service Provider

Societe Generale-Forge, a subsidiary of France’s third-largest bank, has obtained registration with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the French financial markets regulator, as a digital asset service provider. Societe Generale’s Subsidiary Registers as Digital Asset Service Provider The digital asset subsidiary of Societe General Group, Societe Generale-Forge, is now registered with France’s financial regulator, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). Societe Generale is France’s third-largest bank by total assets. According to the AMF’s list of registered Digital Asset Service Providers (DASPs), Societe Generale-Forge obtained registration on Sept. 27. The company is now authorized to offer digital asset custody service, the purchase and sale of digital assets for legal tender, and the trading of digital assets against other digital assets in France. Societe Generale-Forge provides issuers and investors with end-to-end services to issue, invest and manage digital-nat

TheTrade Is a Game-Changer in the Uniswap V3 Market of 2023

PRESS RELEASE. Digital currency made splashes in the 2010s with a promise of decentralization and ultimate user privacy. However, most well-known crypto exchange giants, like Binance or Coinbase, are CEXs by essence. It means they are centralized exchange platforms, offering custodial wallets to users and collecting user data. No privacy, no user control, and no genuine decentralization – that’s what the CEX use is. Luckily, by the end of the 2010s, crypto enthusiasts moved further with the idea of introducing the automated market-making (AMM) functionality that would remove the need for a centralized authority out of the exchange process. The idea was proposed by Vitalik Buterin and found its realization first in Bancor (early 2018) and then in Uniswap – a DEX released in late 2018. Today, over 300 decentralized exchanges are online, each offering peer-to-peer exchange opportunities using the smart contract functionality. DEXs quickly rose in popularity, reaching over $1 trillion

VC-Backed Blockchain Project Aptos Reveals Protocol’s ‘Mainnet Has Arrived’

A new layer one blockchain network called Aptos announced the launch of its mainnet on Monday, following a slew of capital injections from a number of venture capital (VC) firms. The blockchain protocol, crafted with a Rust-centric programming language dubbed Move, is backed by VC companies such as Parafi, Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), FTX, and Multicoin Capital. The Aptos project stems from two developers from Meta’s Diem project, and the network boasts parallel processing, a technology that reportedly allows the chain to process 130,000 transactions per second (TPS). Aptos Labs Debuts Mainnet For some time now, a proposed layer one (L1) blockchain network called Aptos has been a discussion among crypto and distributed ledger supporters, after the capital the project managed to raise this year. In mid-March 2022, the Aptos team disclosed to Techcrunch that it raised $200 million from a funding round led by a16z. Furthermore, Coinbase Ventures, Multicoin Capital, Three Arrows Capita

Ericsson: 5G Tech a Gateway to the Metaverse

Ericsson, the Swedish telecom hardware and services company, has linked the use of new technologies, such as 5G, with the use of metaverse platforms. According to a study, users that have 5G data services have been spending more time in the metaverse and extended reality apps, and believe these will migrate to headsets in the next two years. Ericsson Study Reveals 5G Is a Metaverse Enabler A recent study issued by Ericsson, the Swedish telecom giant, deals with the effects powerful data transmission tech — like 5G — have on the adoption of metaverse and extended reality tech. The study, which includes Ericsson’s tracking data since 2019, surveyed 49,000 consumers in 37 countries and is said to be representative of the opinions of 1.7 billion users worldwide. Data from the study revealed that users of 5G are more interested in immersive technologies than their 4G counterparts. 5G users are already spending one more hour per week on metaverse-related platforms and services as compar

Fintech Bill Approved and Ready to Be Sanctioned in Chile

A fintech bill, which seeks to regulate fintech and cryptocurrency-related activities in Chile, has been approved by the deputy chamber of the congress, leaving it ready to be sanctioned by the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric. According to individuals in the sector, the bill is directed to stimulate innovation and competition in an unregulated market. Fintech Bill Almost Law in Chile A fintech-related bill , that seeks to bring clarity to institutions providing digital and cryptocurrency-based services, has been approved by the deputy chamber of the congress in Chile. The project, which was approved without any votes against it in the Chilean senate, is now in the hands of President Gabriel Boric, who must sign it for it to be sanctioned. The bill includes in its scope the oversight of cryptocurrency exchanges, and defines cryptocurrency assets as a “digital representation of exchange units of money, goods or services.” It also broadens the regulatory reach of the Financial Mark
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