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Showing posts from February 9, 2024

Citrea Proposes First ZK Rollup to Make Bitcoin the All-Chain

Citrea, a project that aims to scale Bitcoin through ZK rollups, came out of stealth on Tuesday. The project aims to become a pathway for several initiatives to take advantage of the decentralization and security of Bitcoin while at the same time contributing to scaling and giving developers the ability to adapt Ethereum Virtual Machine […]

Coinbase States Americans Could Have Saved at Least $74 Billion Using Crypto

Coinbase, a leading U.S. cryptocurrency exchange, claims that Americans could have saved at least $74 million in 2022 by leveraging crypto tech instead of using credit cards as payment options. In its latest State of Crypto report, Coinbase reveals how traditional finance system institutions keep transaction fees high in a system “mired in delays.” Coinbase […]

Starkware to Launch ‘Cairo Verifier’ for Improved Layer 3 Scalability

Starkware, in a collaboration with Herodotus Dev, is poised to launch the ‘Cairo Verifier,’ a system designed to verify cryptographic proofs on Starknet’s Layer two. This innovation aims to circumvent the Ethereum mainnet, offering a solution to the comparatively costly and slow verification process. Starkware Unveils ‘Cairo Verifier’ to Boost Layer Three Blockchain Scalability Starkware, […]

Polygon Unveils ‘Type-1’ Prover Upgrade, Promising to Transform EVM Chains With Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Polygon Labs has rolled out its latest innovation, the “Type-1 prover.” This upgrade could introduce a new era for Ethereum Virtual Machine compatible chains, enabling the generation of zero-knowledge proofs while ensuring transaction costs plummet. Polygon Unveils ‘Type-1’ Prover to Enhance Ethereum’s Ecosystem Polygon Labs has launched the Type-1 zkevm prover upgrade. Developed in collaboration […]
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