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Showing posts from January 29, 2022

Russians Aware of Bitcoin Divided on Proposed Crypto Ban, Poll Finds

A new survey has indicated that Russians who have heard about cryptocurrency are deeply divided in their opinions on the recently suggested ban on operations with digital assets. A third of the respondents support the central bank’s proposal while an equal number of participants in the survey oppose it. Bank of Russia’s Call to Prohibit Cryptocurrencies Backed by 32% of Russians Who Know Bitcoin Amid ongoing discussions on the future of digital currencies, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (Vtsiom) has published a new study measuring the attitudes of Russian citizens towards crypto assets and operations with them. It comes as officials are trying to put the country’s crypto space in order, not without disagreements between regulators. According to the poll, the majority of Russians (64%) have heard about bitcoin and 17% have good knowledge of the cryptocurrency, an increase of four percentage points in comparison with the data from a 2017 survey. The share of those who ar

Visa Partners With Over 65 Crypto Platforms — Crypto-Linked Card Usage Soars Despite Price Volatility

Visa has now partnered with more than 65 crypto platforms and exchanges. In addition, the payments giant revealed that crypto-linked card usage exceeded $2.5 billion in the first fiscal quarter, “which is already 70% of the payments volume for all of fiscal 2021.” Visa Outlines Crypto Strategy and Achievements Visa Inc. discussed its crypto strategy and achievements during the company’s earnings call Thursday. Visa CEO Al Kelly said: “Many current trends in payments, including … crypto, and wallets, are enabling new ways to pay. These represent opportunities for Visa.” Regarding his company’s efforts in the crypto space, the executive highlighted: We’re also providing on-ramps for crypto players creating connectivity with fiat economies. There are over 65 crypto platforms and exchanges that have partnered to issue Visa credentials. Recently, News reported that consumers will be able to spend cryptocurrency at 80 million merchants using crypto-linked Visa cards. How

Vitalik Buterin to Use $100 Million From Crypto Relief’s SHIB Funds to Accelerate Covid Relief Efforts

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has unveiled how he will use $100 million in cryptocurrency from India’s Covid Crypto Relief Fund (Cryptorelief) to accelerate relief efforts and “bring great benefit to Indians and non-Indians.” The crypto is part of the Shiba Inu funds Buterin donated to Cryptorelief last year. Vitalik Buterin to Personally Deploy $100M From Shiba Funds to Help Covid Relief Efforts Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin tweeted Friday that Cryptorelief is sending $100 million in cryptocurrency from the “Shiba funds” back to him. He added that he plans to “personally deploy these funds” in some “higher-risk, higher-reward Covid science and relief projects worldwide.” Buterin’s statement was in response to a tweet by Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon. Nailwal founded the Covid Crypto Relief Fund (Cryptorelief) in April last year. Noting that he and Buterin have been in discussion “on how to accelerate relief efforts in India,” the Cryptorelief founder detailed

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Likens Crypto Market to Subprime Mortgage Crash — Warns Regulators Are Making the Same Mistake

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman sees parallels between the crypto market and the subprime mortgage crash. “There’s growing evidence that the risks of crypto are falling disproportionately on people who don’t know what they are getting into and are poorly positioned to handle the downside,” he stressed. Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Warns About Crypto Crashing Like Subprime Mortgage Nobel laureate Paul Krugman warned about cryptocurrency investing in an opinion piece he authored in the New York Times, published Thursday. Krugman won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2008 “for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity,” the Nobel Prize website shows. The Nobel Prize winner began by acknowledging that “crypto has become a pretty big asset class,” noting that the market value of all cryptocurrencies reached almost $3 trillion last fall. He added that the prices of cryptocurrencies have crashed, “wiping out arou

JPMorgan Lowers Its Bitcoin Fair Price Estimate to $38K Amidst Volatility

Leading investment bank JPMorgan has changed its view on the estimate of bitcoin’s price on a long-term basis. The institution had estimated a long-term price of $146K back in November when bitcoin was over $60K. One of the most important reasons for this change has to do with the increased volatility the asset has faced in recent times. JPMorgan Changes Long-Term Bitcoin Price Estimate JPMorgan, one of the biggest financial institutions in the world, has drastically changed its opinion on the price that bitcoin will reach long term. While JPMorgan was bullish last year, when it estimated this number at almost $150K, it has lowered its estimations due to the situation the market is experiencing this year. The new $38K price, about one-fourth of the previously calculated number, was estimated in a different context concerning gold and bitcoin and the volatility of the market. On this, JPMorgan stated in a note: Our previous projection that the bitcoin to gold volatility ratio wil
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