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Showing posts from May 28, 2023

Belarus Seeks to Deepen Ties With BRICS, SCO, ASEAN — Pushes for Economic Union With Zero Restrictions

Sleeping Bitcoin Wallet Awakens: $3.7M Worth of BTC Suddenly Moves After Close to 12 Years of Dormancy  Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko says his country’s response to sanctions is to deepen relations with the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). “The creation of a comprehensive economic union remains our priority,” he emphasized. “There should be no barriers and no restrictions at all. This is a basic principle for building our union, and we must reach this target as soon as possible.” Belarus Prioritizes Building Economic Union With ‘No Barriers and No Restrictions at All’ Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko outlined his country’s priorities and response to sanctions during the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting in Moscow on Thursday. The meeting was chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Lukashenko explained that Belarus’ response to sanctions is to strengthen cooperation within majo

Binance Launching New Crypto Trading Platform in Japan This Summer to Comply With Regulations

Sleeping Bitcoin Wallet Awakens: $3.7M Worth of BTC Suddenly Moves After Close to 12 Years of Dormancy  Global cryptocurrency exchange Binance says it has created a new crypto trading platform for Japan residents that will be available this summer. The new exchange will fully comply with Japanese crypto regulations and will offer trading of a limited number of tokens initially, according to the exchange. Binance Has Created New Crypto Trading Platform for Japan Users Global cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced that it is launching a local crypto trading platform for residents of Japan this summer. Binance wrote: We are pleased to announce that we have created a new platform for residents in Japan in order to fully comply with local regulations. “The new platform will be available this summer. We will inform the launch date and provide further details in the coming months,” the global crypto exchange continued. The services offered by Binance’s global platform will be di

Burning Metrics: Ethereum Burns 3.33 Million Ether Valued at $6.1 Billion in 21 Months

Sleeping Bitcoin Wallet Awakens: $3.7M Worth of BTC Suddenly Moves After Close to 12 Years of Dormancy  In the past 21 months following Ethereum’s London hard fork, the network has witnessed the destruction of over 3.33 million ether, valued at $6.1 billion. At present, roughly 3.51 ether is burned every single minute. Standing out as a prominent participant in the burn process since August 5, 2021, just below conventional ETH transfers, is the Opensea platform, which has contributed to the burning of 230,050 ETH . More Than $6 Billion in Value Destroyed Since EIP-1559 Back on August 5, 2021, a significant event occurred in Ethereum’s history with the implementation of the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559 as part of the London upgrade . Since then, 660 days have passed. In the initial three months alone, over 700,000 ether was burned, setting the stage for what was to come. Fast forward to the end of May 2023, utilizing the latest burn metrics, EIP-1559 has fueled the b

AI-Centric Crypto Market Loses Over $1 Billion in Value in 90 Days

Sleeping Bitcoin Wallet Awakens: $3.7M Worth of BTC Suddenly Moves After Close to 12 Years of Dormancy  Roughly three months ago, 74 AI-driven digital currencies boasted a market value exceeding $4 billion. However, since that time, the AI-centric crypto market has experienced a loss of more than $1 billion in value. The Decline in AI-Driven Cryptocurrencies: $1 Billion Wiped Out From Market At the start of the year, products incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) witnessed substantial demand with the rise of AI-focused software noted throughout 2023. This trend permeated into the cryptocurrency sphere, resulting in up to 74 AI-centric tokens amounting to a value of $4.03 billion by the end of February. At its peak, the AI crypto market recorded a $444.39 million 24-hour trade volume on February 27, 2023. Presently, both trade volume and market valuation within the AI crypto sector have significantly decreased. Data from reveals that a total of 89 crypto asse

BRICS Bank in Membership Talks With Saudi Arabia, Report Reveals

The development bank set up by the BRICS bloc is negotiating with Saudi Arabia on accepting the country as a member, according to a press report. The talks come as the bank, created as an alternative to similar institutions led by the West, seeks to expand its funding options amid sanctions on one of its founding shareholders, Russia. BRICS Development Bank Engaged in ‘Qualified Dialogue’ With Saudi Kingdom The Shanghai-based New Development Bank ( NDB ), established by the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), is in talks with Saudi Arabia on admitting the country as a member, the Financial Times reported. The negotiations come as the NDB prepares to evaluate its options to attract funding during its annual meeting starting on Tuesday, affected by the penalties imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, the British daily noted. “In the Middle East, we attach great importance to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are currently engaged in a qualifie

EU Securities Watchdog ESMA Warns of Unregulated Crypto, Gold Investment Offerings

Sleeping Bitcoin Wallet Awakens: $3.7M Worth of BTC Suddenly Moves After Close to 12 Years of Dormancy  The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued a warning regarding investments in assets like cryptocurrencies. They will remain unregulated in most countries until the EU’s Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) law is enforced across the Union, the regulator pointed out. ESMA Highlights Risks Related to Unregulated Products and Services for Crypto and Other Assets The European Union’s securities watchdog, ESMA, has issued a statement warning investors of risks arising from investment firms providing both regulated and unregulated products and services for crypto and gold, among other assets, as well as some non-transferable securities. These usually fall outside the scope of the EU’s existing financial services regulation but are offered as alternatives to financial instruments. ESMA remarked that retail investors often rely on the reputation of a provider and advis

‘Weaponization Project of the Dollar’: Asian Countries Talk De-Dollarization; Jim Rogers Says USD’s Time ‘Coming to an End,’ and More — Week in Review

The future fate of the U.S. dollar continues to dominate financial news, as investor Jim Rogers says the USD’s time is “coming to an end,” and nine Asian countries have been discussing de-dollarization measures in Iran. In other news, an expert has predicted that the price of gold will skyrocket due to economic conditions, and JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has said of interest rates that people “should be prepared for rates going higher from here.” All this and more just below, in this latest News Week in Review. 9 Asian Countries Discuss De-Dollarization Measures in Meeting Hosted by Iran Top officials from nine Asian countries, members of the Asian Clearing Union (ACU), have gathered in Tehran for their annual meeting, where de-dollarization takes center stage. In addition to the officials from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, Russia’s central bank governor and officials from Belarus and Afghanistan also attended the meeti

Biden, Republicans Strike Tentative Deal to Raise US Debt Ceiling

The White House and House Republicans have reached an agreement in principle to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. Described by President Joe Biden as “good news for the American people,” the deal would open the door to avoiding a historic default by the government in Washington and averting not just a potential economic catastrophe in the United States but a global recession as well. Joe Biden, Kevin McCarthy Announce In-Principle Agreement to Raise Debt Ceiling After weeks of negotiations, which put an end to a months-long stalemate, the White House and the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives now have “an agreement in principle” on a deal to raise the debt ceiling in the U.S. for two years and limit budget spending. The agreement has been reached by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy during a phone call on Saturday. Both sides are now facing the difficult task to convince the Republican-controlled House and Democrat-dominated Senate to back the deal

Blockchain-Based Re-Usable KYC ‘Particularly Valuable in Web3’ — Cheqd CEO Fraser Edward

According to Fraser Edward, the CEO and co-founder of the public permissionless network, Cheqd, one of the main hurdles faced when attempting to move data stored on Web2 servers to Web3 is “establishing a clear and scalable revenue model.” Edward however suggested overcoming this hurdle will unlock new use cases which facilitate economic activities within the Web3 ecosystem will be unlocked. The Trusted Data Market The Cheqd co-founder also told News that in today’s data-driven world, greater emphasis is now being placed on obtaining accurate and verified data. This shift in value from what Edward labeled generic data to trusted data is evidenced by users’ demand for data that is portable and cryptographically verifiable. According to Edward, it is this demand for assured data that has given rise to what is now known as the “trusted data market.” Meanwhile, in the rest of his responses to questions from News, the Cheqd CEO touched on the so-called “bot paran
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