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Showing posts from February 23, 2022

Miners Have Moved 30% of Their Equipment Out of Kazakhstan, Industry Organization Claims

Authorized crypto mining businesses have already taken a third of their coin minting hardware out of Kazakhstan, according to the country’s mining association. The news comes amid electricity shortages and upcoming tax hikes that are turning miners away from the Central Asian nation. Bitcoin Miners Start Pulling Machines Out of Kazakhstan Companies, legally operating mining facilities in Kazakhstan, have already relocated around 30% of their mining equipment elsewhere. The President of the National Association of Blockchain and Data Center Industry of Kazakhstan Alan Dorjiyev told Forklog about the migration. The executive noted that miners have been influenced by the persisting issues with energy supply and an expected tax increase. His organization represents major companies involved in the extraction of digital currencies accounting for 70% of Kazakhstan’s crypto mining sector. The report quotes legislative documents indicating that Kazakhstan’s parliament prepares to impose o

Geopolitical Risk and Ukraine Worries Shake Equities, Cryptocurrencies — Gold Soars Higher

On Wednesday, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. Wall Street’s top indexes shuddered during the day’s trading sessions, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24 hour period. On the other hand, the price of gold has jumped 1.47% during the last four days, surging to $1,925 per ounce. Global Investors Are Concerned About the relations Between Russia and Ukraine, Wall Street Continues to See Sell-Offs While the globe grows tense over the ongoing issues between Russia and Ukraine, stock markets on Wednesday continued to bleed out more money. According to the U.S. State Department, Russia is not backing down and Ukraine officials have declared a state of emergency. Speaking to the press, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the Russian military is ready to advance. “Russian forces continue to assemble closer to the border and put themselves in an advanced stage of readiness to act

Stock Exchange of Thailand to Launch Digital Asset Exchange ‘Very Soon’

The Stock Exchange of Thailand is getting ready to launch a digital asset exchange. The president of the Thai bourse expects the country’s crypto regulator, the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to approve the launch “very soon.” Stock Exchange of Thailand Prepares to Launch a Digital Asset Exchange The president of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), Dr. Pakorn Peetathawatchai, discussed the SET’s upcoming digital asset exchange in an interview with Bloomberg, published Sunday. He explained: We expect that our regulator, the SEC, will give an approval very soon, and we hope that we can start operation in the second or third quarter this year. In Thailand, the country’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is responsible for licensing entities wanting to offer crypto services, including crypto exchanges. The president of the Thai stock exchange detailed: “For our digital asset exchange, we would concentrate on investment tokens and utility tokens — those are

Senator Rand Paul Warns the US Has Similar Statutes to Emergencies Act in Canada

U.S. Senator Rand Paul says “statutes that allow presidents or heads of state to invoke emergencies are very, very dangerous.” Commenting on Canada’s Emergencies Act invoked by the Trudeau government, the senator warned, “We have the same sort of statutes here.” Senator Rand Paul Warns of Emergency Act in the US U.S. Senator Rand Paul warned of statutes in the U.S. similar to the Emergencies Act invoked by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week during an episode of the Based Politics podcast that aired Sunday. “I think statutes that allow presidents or heads of state to invoke emergencies are very, very dangerous,” Paul stressed, adding: We have the same sort of statutes here, and I have long-time been an opponent of these. We actually have in the United States an Emergency Act that allows the president to shut down the internet. “I tried, when President Trump was in office, to take this power away,” he noted. However, “I could never get it through,” Paul conceded.

EU Members Want to Task New AML Watchdog With Crypto Oversight, Report Unveils

A group of EU nations have reportedly been lobbying to entrust oversight of the crypto space to a new anti-money laundering (AML) agency. Behind the move are concerns that companies dealing with digital assets can be engaged in the processing of illicit funds. Germany Leads Push to Place Crypto Firms Under EU Anti-Money Laundering Supervision Several EU member states, led by Germany, have been urging the European Union to grant a planned anti-money laundering ( AML ) watchdog powers to oversee businesses in the crypto sector. Quoting knowledgeable sources, Bloomberg revealed these nations fear cryptocurrency companies can be used to process illegally obtained funds. EU authorities, such as the European Commission ( EC ), are now negotiating over the design of the regulatory body, expected to launch in 2024 and expand its operations in the next two years. Said group is seeking to ensure a more explicit inclusion of crypto firms in the watchdog’s responsibilities, according to an EU

FTX Launches Gaming Unit to Offer Crypto Services to Other Companies

FTX, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced it will enter the gaming field. The company revealed it is launching its own gaming unit to focus on lending crypto services to gaming companies, acting as a middleman. This means that the exchange will support other companies launching tokens and offering NFTs via its platform. FTX Gets Into Gaming FTX, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, is branching out into gaming. The company will reportedly launch a gaming unit that will be focused on offering crypto-related services to traditional gaming companies. This would allow gaming companies to focus on development, leaving token launches and NFT commercialization to FTX. The company began hiring positions this month, seeking programmers with experience using Unity, a popular game engine. An FTX spokesperson commented on the issue, stating: We are launching FTX Gaming because we see games as an exciting use case for crypto. There are 2 billion+ gamers in the world who h
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