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Showing posts from December 2, 2022

EU Parliament to ‘Vote on Adopting the Regulation on MiCA’ — Expert Says Industry Needs Legal Clarity

In a recent statement, the European Parliament said its members would shortly “vote on adopting the regulation on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA).” According to the parliamentary body’s think tank, the envisaged regulations are expected to provide “legal certainty for crypto-assets not covered by existing EU legislation.” A crypto counselor, Paulius Vaitkevicius, said any regulation of crypto is likely to result in more capital and talent coming into the space. ‘Harmonized Rules’ for Crypto-Assets at EU Level After months of discussions and negotiations which culminated in the June 30 preliminary agreement , the European Parliament (EP) is now set to “vote on adopting the regulation on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA).” The vote is set to take place during the legislative body’s plenary session. European leaders assert that the adoption of MiCA will lead to the creation of “harmonized rules for crypto-assets at [the] E.U. level.” According to a Nov. 29 briefing by the parliament’s

Uzbekistan Approves Rules for Issuance and Circulation of Crypto Assets

The authority responsible for crypto oversight in Uzbekistan has determined the order of issuing and circulating digital assets in the country. The main reason behind the move is to establish a mechanism that would allow local companies to attract capital through coins and tokens. Uzbekistan Government Sets Out to Regulate Digital Asset Investments The National Agency of Perspective Projects ( NAPP ), under the President of Uzbekistan, has released a new regulation on the procedures for the issue, registration, and release in circulation of crypto assets in the Central Asian Nation. The document provides basic legal definitions for crypto assets and makes distinction between the different types. It introduces requirements for crypto issuers, depositaries and custodians and determines their obligations, including those concerning relations with customers. The authority has also approved rules for the establishment and maintaining of an electronic register of crypto assets and adopt

US Lawmakers Say Any Digital Dollar Must Be Open, Permissionless, and Private

Nine U.S. lawmakers have raised concerns regarding the U.S. central bank digital currency project led by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. The lawmakers stressed: “Any U.S. CBDC must be open, permissionless, and private.” Congressmen Say Any US CBDC Must Be Open, Permissionless, and Private U.S. Congressman Tom Emmer (R-MN) announced Thursday that he has led an inquiry into the central bank digital currency (CBDC) effort led by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Emmer and eight other members of Congress sent a letter to Susan Collins, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, raising concerns about Project Hamilton , an initiative to develop a U.S. CBDC in collaboration with the digital currency initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). “It has come to Congress’s attention that some firms participating in Project Hamilton intend to use government resources from the project to design a CBDC with the intent to then sell those products to commer

Inside LBank’s Exquisite Afterparty at DCENTRAL Miami

PRESS RELEASE. INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, Dec 2nd, 2022 – LBank , a global crypto exchange, hosted an ‘LBank & Crypto Friends’ afterparty alongside the Web3 conference DCENTRAL Miami . LBank was proud to host more than 200 guests from all layers of the industry. This was LBank’s second event in Miami after exhibiting at the Bitcoin 2022 conference earlier this year. ‘LBank & Crypto Friends’, hosted on November 28th, served as a buffer between conference days, giving many attendees a chance to unwind after an intense day. A diverse crowd stopped over for the laid-back event, including Web3 entrepreneurs, investors, crypto enthusiasts, and more. “I met a lot of interesting people here. It was good to meet with LBank’s team in person and discuss our partnerships and potential collaborations,” a guest at the afterparty said. DCENTRAL Miami, the most significant Web3 conference in the industry, hosted a large group of attendees this year and many industry-leading speakers. LBank was

Animoca Brands Plans $2 Billion Metaverse Fund to Support Established Projects

Animoca Brands, the parent company of metaverse projects like The Sandbox, has announced it plans to launch a $2 billion metaverse fund. The new fund, which would be focused on returns for potential investors wanting to get more Web3-related capital exposure, will focus its activities on companies in the mid-to-late investment stages. Animoca Brands Plans Animoca Capital Fund Launch Animoca Brands, one of the most recognized metaverse and NFT companies in the ecosystem, has announced plans to launch its own metaverse fund. According to statements made by co-founder Yat Siu to Nikkei on Nov. 29, the company aims to raise between $1 billion and $2 billion for this new initiative. Animoca Brands, which has raised $804 million from several investors in several funding rounds already, aims to put the new funds (once raised) into established metaverse platforms in the mid-to-late investment stages, as it seeks to prioritize revenue over developing the Web3 environment, allowing partners
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