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Showing posts from March 31, 2024

Solana Foundation Asserts Core Network Should Be Permissionless Regarding Offensive Meme Coin Issues

The Solana Foundation has given its take on the offensive meme coin issue that originates on the Solana blockchain. Austin Federa, head of strategy at the Solana Foundation, sustained that the core components of Solana should be permissionless while blocking some of these offensive assets should be left to individual applications. Solana Unlikely to Deal […]

Buterin, Yakovenko and Gün Sirer: Crypto Creators Take on the Meme Coin Phenomenon

The meme coin phenomenon, where communities produce tokens with no other support than a meme behind it, has given rise to opposing opinions. These range from the most positive ones, which regard them as value-affirming elements, to the negative ones, which state that there is no value behind them. News examines the views of […]

LMAX CEO Expects Bitcoin to Trade in Six Digits in the Future

The chief executive of LMAX Group says he expects bitcoin to trade in six digits in the future. He explained that based solely on supply and demand, with bitcoin allocation potentially reaching 3%-5% of global assets, “you should see the price of bitcoin being multiples of what it is today.” ‘This Democratizes the Asset Class […]

Court Dismisses Custodia Bank’s Challenge Against Federal Reserve

In a significant ruling, a federal judge has dismissed Custodia Bank Inc.’s claim for entitlement to a Federal Reserve master account, marking a setback for the Wyoming-based depository institution. Custodia Bank argued that the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC) was legally obliged to grant its application for a master account, a critical financial […]

Detained Binance Executive Sues Nigerian Anti-Graft Agency for ‘Fundamental Rights’ Violation

The Binance executive who is being held by Nigerian law enforcement has sued the country’s anti-corruption agency for violating his fundamental rights. The executive also wants the local court to declare the seizure of his passport “a violation of his fundamental right to personal liberty.” Violation of the Right to Personal Liberty The detained Binance […]
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