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Showing posts from May 30, 2022

Report: Lebanese Pound Exchange Rate Against Dollar Plunges to All-Time Low

After relative calm for a few months, the Lebanese pound has plunged to an all-time low of 35,600 per dollar, a report has said. The currency’s latest slide is expected to worsen Lebanon’s economic challenges. Pound Depreciation In a sign that Lebanon’s ongoing economic crisis is worsening, the black market exchange rate of the Lebanese pound is reported to have plunged to an all-time low of 35,600 against the dollar. According to an Al Jazeera report, it took just two weeks for the pound’s black market exchange rate to drop from 26,800 to the latest rate. At the time of writing, the pound’s official exchange rate was 1,510 for every dollar. The pound’s reported quickfire depreciation has worsened Lebanon’s already difficult economic situation. Also as noted in an Al Jazeera report , the currency’s plunge was preceded by a 25% increase in petrol prices. Plans to scrap subsidies — which in turn can lead to further price increases — are expected to worsen the plight of the country’s

Undervalued Metaverse Project Mars4 Is Preparing for New Releases

In the crypto industry, investors are always on the search for undervalued projects that have the greatest potential for increasing early investors’ returns. Finding these hidden gem initiatives just before noteworthy launches is an easy way to profit. Mars4 is one of these projects to keep an eye on, as the team behind it is working on exciting new releases that will be available the next month. These updates will boost the game’s economy and provide players with a sneak peek at the upcoming game. The community should expect the Mars4 project to acquire credibility as a result of these changes, bringing additional investors to the initiative. What exactly is Mars4? Mars4 offers non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that represent virtual Mars . All NFTs are unique in terrain and were modeled using NASA data to make them accurate representations of the Red Planet. The planned Mars metaverse game will make use of these land parcel NFTs. In the game, you can explore your virtual property, g

Indian Government Finalizing Crypto Consultation Paper — ‘We Are Looking at a Global Paradigm on Digital Assets’

India’s economic affairs secretary has reportedly revealed that the government’s consultation paper on cryptocurrency is “fairly ready.” He explained that the Indian government is looking at “a global paradigm on digital assets,” emphasizing that “There has to be a broad framework on which all economies have to be together.” Economic Affairs Secretary Ajay Seth on Crypto Indian Economic Affairs Secretary Ajay Seth provided an update Monday on the government’s progress to establish India’s crypto policy. Speaking about the government’s consultation paper on crypto, he was quoted by CNBC TV18 as saying: Our consultation paper is fairly ready and we went into a deep dive and have consulted not just the domestic institutional stakeholders but also the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. “So we hope that we will soon be in a position to finalize our consultation paper,” the economic affairs secretary added. In April, News reported that Indian finance minis

Bank of America CEO: We Have Hundreds of Blockchain Patents — But Regulation Won’t Allow Us to Engage in Crypto

The CEO of Bank of America says that his bank has hundreds of blockchain patents but regulations will not allow it to engage in crypto. “The reality is that we can’t do it by regulation,” he said. Bank of America’s CEO on Crypto Bank of America (BOA) CEO Brian Moynihan talked about cryptocurrency in an interview with Yahoo Finance Live at the recent World Economic Forum event in Davos, published Saturday. He was asked about his bank’s plans for cryptocurrencies. “The reality is that we run a payments business across our platform. It’s trillions of dollars a day, and almost all of it is digital,” the executive replied, adding: If you think about the blockchain, we have hundreds of patents on blockchain as a process and as a tool and as a technology. However, with regard to cryptocurrency, he revealed: “We’re not engaging in accounts for people in cryptocurrency … we’re not allowed to, frankly.” The Bank of America chief explained: “Because we’re regulated and they [regulators]

The Fed’s Christopher Waller Wants 50 bps Rate Hikes Until Inflation Subsides, US Savings Data Plummets

Federal Reserve governor Christopher Waller has detailed he is ready to get behind 50 bps rate hikes until the extreme inflationary pressures plaguing the U.S. economy subsides. Waller stressed that until inflation is reduced he doesn’t “see the point of stopping” 50 bps rate hikes. Furthermore, statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis show that American savings have plummeted to levels not seen since the ‘Great Recession’ in 2008. Christopher Waller Advocates for 50 Bps Rate Hikes at Every Fed Meeting Until Inflation Is Under Control Inflation is wreaking havoc on the wallets of everyday Americans as the cost of goods and services has skyrocketed during the past few months. Inflation is so bad that president Joe Biden will host a rare Oval Office meeting on May 31, with Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell to discuss inflation and the state of the U.S. economy. Meanwhile, Federal Reserve governor Christopher Waller is of the opinion that raising the benchmark interest

Frodo Tech Aims to Create Environmentally-Friendly Blockchain Ecosystem That Is Open to Everyone

Frodo Tech aims to create an environmentally-friendly blockchain ecosystem based on a unique cryptocurrency service that all the people in the world can access, without any limitations based on race, region or country. Frodo Will Have No Limitations and No Mining Frodo Tech is an IT and Financial blockchain services company based in Auckland, New Zealand, and a member of the Blockchain Association of NZ (BANZ). Since 2018, it has provided best-fit and trustful solutions around AI, cybersecurity, data analysis, custom applications, mobility, migration, and managed services. The goal of Frodo Tech is to create an online platform of services that brings tomorrow’s business today that is secure, trustable, and excellent. In 2021, the team at Frodo Tech decided to start a blockchain-based business providing a unique crypto service. The goal is simple: allow all kinds of people access to services without any race or region limitation – become an open, free platform and sustain an ecosys

Report: 42.9% of Turks View Gold as Best Form of Investment, Only 1.9% Would Invest in Crypto

A new study has found that nearly 43% of Turkish individuals surveyed consider gold to be the best form of investment, while just 1.9% said they would invest in cryptocurrencies. Real estate is the next most-preferred after gold, with 27.4% of the respondents saying they would invest. Fewer Turks Now View Gold as Best Investment A recent study by Areda Survey has found that a significant number of Turks — about 42.9% — still consider gold to be the best form of investment. The figure is almost 15 percentage points lower than the number of Turkish individuals that viewed gold as the ideal investment in April 2021. In terms of the gender of those that said they would invest in gold, the study found that 45.9% of the respondents were women, while men constituted 42.2% of such respondents. Besides gold, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported that Turks’ next most-preferred investment is real estate at 27.4%. The number is marginally higher than the 26.9% that said they would invest

Former Nintendo President States Gaming Companies Are Marching to the Metaverse

Former Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aimé, believes that the gaming industry is steadily going to integrate metaverse elements into its games. Fils-Aimé thinks that established gaming companies, like Nintendo, are better suited to be leading the race for the metaverse than other companies due to their experience in building interactive and persistent worlds. Former Nintendo President Thinks Gaming Companies Will Lead the Metaverse The race toward the metaverse space is on, and some think that gaming companies have the upper hand to lead the space in the short term. Reggie Fils-Aimé, former executive and president of Nintendo of America from 2006 until 2019, believes that gaming companies like Nintendo and Sony are better suited and equipped to lead this metaverse race due to the experience they have when designing and building immersive experiences for games. About metaverse and gaming companies, Fils-Aimé told Yahoo Finance: I do believe it’s going to be led by gam

Nigerian Presidential Hopeful Says He Supports Digital Currencies but Wants the Industry Regulated

Nigerian presidential hopeful, Bukola Saraki, recently said he supports the digital currency industry which he claimed has created opportunities for the country’s youth. However, he insisted that there is a need for the enactment of laws that guide players in this space. Digital Currencies Create Opportunities for the Youth One of Nigeria’s presidential aspirants, Bukola Saraki, was recently quoted saying he supports digital currencies and that he does not think they will wreck the economy. The presidential hopeful nevertheless suggested that there must be legislation and policies in place to guide players in this space. In his remarks during an interview , Saraki, one of the fifteen individuals seeking to become the opposition’s candidate in Nigeria’s upcoming presidential elections, acknowledged that digital currencies have created opportunities for the country’s youth. He said: I also think it has helped especially the young generation in creating jobs and opportunities. And a
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