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Showing posts from June 29, 2023

Mastercard Introduces Multi-Token Network to Support Wider Digital Asset Industry

Mastercard has introduced its Multi-Token Network (MTN), an app store powered by blockchain technologies for building regulated financial applications. “MTN represents one of Mastercard’s most ambitious projects in the digital asset space to date,” said the payment giant’s head of crypto and blockchain. “Our goal is to support the wider digital asset industry and interested parties to help fortify confidence in its future.” Mastercard Unveils Multi-Token Network Raj Dhamodharan, Mastercard’s head of crypto and blockchain, announced in a blog post on Wednesday: Today, we are taking the next step on our journey with the introduction of Mastercard Multi-Token Network, a tailor-made solution for the industry. “Our vision for MTN is to provide a set of foundational capabilities designed to make transactions within the digital asset and blockchain ecosystems secure, scalable, and interoperable — ultimately enabling more efficient payment and commerce applications,” he explained. The

North Carolina Advances Bill to Study Holding Bitcoin Using Crypto to Hedge Against Inflation

The U.S. state of North Carolina has advanced a bill to study holding cryptocurrencies, particularly bitcoin, in the state treasury. The bill appropriates $50,000 from the state’s general fund to study three areas, including “The process of acquiring, securely storing, insuring, and liquidating … virtual currency, such as bitcoin, that may be held on behalf of the state.” North Carolina Explores Holding Bitcoin The U.S. state of North Carolina has advanced House Bill 721 (HB721) titled “State Precious Metals Depository Study.” The bill appropriates $50,000 from the state’s general fund, which is made up of tax revenues, excluding transportation, to the state treasurer to conduct a study that examines three key areas. The first area involves: The process of acquiring, securely storing, insuring, and liquidating … virtual currency, such as bitcoin, that may be held on behalf of the state. The second area is the “expected impact of allocating a portion of the general fund” to “virt

Change the Code Blasts Wall Street for Propping Up Bitcoin Initiatives

Change The Code, a Greenpeace-backed initiative that seeks to change Bitcoin’s consensus algorithm, has blasted Wall Street companies for the support they are showing to Bitcoin-related activities. On social media, it has called out companies like Fidelity, Blackrock, JPMorgan, and Goldman Sachs, stating their actions propping up climate-destroying technologies are “unacceptable.” Change the Code Rails Against Wall Street Incumbents Change The Code, a campaign that seeks to change Bitcoin’s consensus algorithm to “fix” its energy consumption, has called out Wall Street companies for their support of Bitcoin activities. The initiative, backed by Greenpeace and EWG, has criticized the recent push of financial incumbents toward Bitcoin-related investments. Change The Code explained that Fidelity, Blackrock, Vanguard, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citi held shares in 24 mining companies valued at over $1.35 billion, accusing Wall Street of “going all in on Bitcoin” and directly suppor

Bitcoin Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Rebounds on Thursday Following Microstrategys Latest Purchase

Bitcoin rebounded on Thursday, as markets reacted to the news that Microstrategy bought an additional $374 million worth of the cryptocurrency. Michael Saylor’s firm now has 152,333 bitcoin, worth roughly $4.52 billion. Ethereum moved closer to $1,900 on the news. Bitcoin Bitcoin ( BTC ) edged higher in today’s session, after it was confirmed that Michael Saylor’s Microstrategy purchased 12,333 BTC . Following the news, BTC /USD hit a high of $30,740.79, which comes after the price bottomed out at $29,921.82 the day prior. Today’s rally has seen BTC briefly break out of a resistance level at the $30,700 mark, however bulls are struggling to sustain this. At the the time of writing, bitcoin is trading at $30,678.73, with the relative strength index (RSI) nearing a ceiling of its own at 68.00. Price strength is now at 67.02, with earlier bulls seemingly opting to secure some gains as the aforementioned resistance looms. In the event this zone is breached, there is a good chance

Bitcoin Ordinals Are One of Many Ways to Represent Real-World Assets Wakweli Co-Founder

While non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are generally believed to represent the link between an owner and an asset, without platforms acting as “digital notaries” there can be no effective way of stopping scammers from minting and selling plagiarized works, Shaban Shaame, the co-founder of Wakweli protocol has argued. Tokenizing Real-World Assets According to Shaame , the ease with which anyone (including scammers) is able to generate a certificate of authenticity for an NFT only further highlights the importance of having such an authenticating entity. In addition to using tools such as digital notaries, the co-founder of Wakweli — a Layer-1 protocol that issues certificates of authenticity for NFTs & real-world assets — said NFT users must learn to do their own research. NFT traders should always triple-check transactions they sign or the projects they join, Shaame added. Also, in his written answers to questions sent from News, the co-founder also offered his thoughts o

Mind Network Secures $25 Million in Initial Funding From Binance Labs and Other Prominent Venture Capitalists

PRESS RELEASE. Mind Network , an innovative platform leading the way in data security and privacy within the Web3 ecosystem, is delighted to announce the successful completion of its initial funding round, raising $2.5 million. Binance Labs, Comma3 Ventures, SevenX Ventures, HashKey Capital, Big Brain Holdings, Arweave SCP Ventures, Mandala Capital, and other notable investors participated in the funding round. Mind Network has emerged as a frontrunner in the Web3 arena, providing users with end-to-end encryption and granting them full control over their personal data, financial transactions, and user interactions. By incorporating the principles of Zero Trust Security, Zero Knowledge Proof, and proprietary Adaptive Fully Homomorphic Encryption techniques, the platform ensures robust protection and access control within the decentralized ecosystem. “We are extremely pleased to receive the support and confidence of such esteemed investors,” stated Mason, representing Mind Network
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