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Showing posts from December 23, 2022

Samsung Is Investing More Than $35 Million in Latam-Focused Metaverse Initiatives

Samsung, the Korean electronics behemoth, has revealed it is currently investing more than $35 million dollars in metaverse initiatives for the Latam audience. The objective behind this move is to help the brand attract and connect with younger audiences, as part of its digital push and growth marketing strategy. Samsung’s Metaverse Push in Latam Many companies have started to put their products and their brands in the metaverse, considering it an important part of their marketing strategy. Samsung, one of the biggest electronics companies in the world, has recently revealed it is investing more than $35 million in metaverse initiatives directed at Latam customers. In an article published on Dec. 20, Anita Caerols, director of marketing and corporate citizenship of Samsung Electronics Chile, explains the motivations behind this virtual reality push for the company. She stated: At Samsung we believe that the metaverse is a concrete commitment to connect with young consumers. That

Bank of England’s Cunliffe Pushes for Crypto Regulation — Sees ‘Real’ Benefits for UK

Bank of England Deputy Governor Sir Jon Cunliffe has revealed that the British central bank is planning to step up its efforts to regulate cryptocurrency trading with new laws. “We should think about regulation before it becomes integrated with the financial system and before we could have a potential systemic problem,” he stressed. Sir Jon Cunliffe on Crypto Regulation Sir Jon Cunliffe, Bank of England (BOE)’s deputy governor for financial stability, talked about cryptocurrency in an interview with Sky News Thursday. He explained that the British central bank plans to step up its effort with new laws to regulate crypto trading following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. “Trading of crypto assets was not big enough to destabilize the financial system, but it was starting to develop links,” Cunliffe said, elaborating: We had banks and investment funds and others who wanted to invest in it and I think we should think about regulation before it becomes integrated with the financi

Elon Musk: Recent Fed Rate Hikes Might Go Down in History as Most Damaging Ever

Tesla CEO and Twitter chief Elon Musk says the Federal Reserve’s recent rate hikes “might go down in history as most damaging ever.” The billionaire has urged the Fed to cut interest rates immediately, emphasizing that the U.S. central bank is “massively amplifying the probability of a severe recession.” Elon Musk on Fed Rate Hikes Tesla, Spacex, and Twitter boss Elon Musk warned Thursday about the damaging impact of the Federal Reserve rapidly raising interest rates. His warning was in reply to a tweet by former investment manager Genevieve Roch-Decter stating that “the Fed has never raised rates faster” than this year. Musk wrote: At the risk of being repetitive, these Fed rate increases might go down in history as most damaging ever. Roch-Decter also included a chart with her tweet showing that the Fed has hiked interest rates further and faster this year than at any other time in modern history. Many people agreed with Musk. “I agree, Elon. The mortgage industry is takin

Caroline Ellison’s Testimony Claims FTX Boss SBF Directed Her to Co-Mingle Customer Funds Since 2019

On Dec. 23, 2022, Matthew Russell Lee from the Inner City Press published the recently unsealed guilty plea transcript of Caroline Ellison, Alameda Research’s former CEO. In her statements, Ellison describes that she was the co-CEO and CEO of Alameda, and under those roles, she reported directly to the former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). The ex-Alameda CEO’s testimony details that she was fully aware from 2019 to 2022, that Alameda Research had access to a special borrowing facility that allowed the company to maintain an unlimited line of credit with zero collateral. The ‘borrowing facility,’ according to Ellison, was FTX’s customer funds. Caroline Ellison Details FTX’s Misconduct With Alameda and the Co-Mingling of Customer Funds Started From the Very Beginning Following the unsealing of Caroline Ellison’s plea deal, Inner City Press reporter Matthew Russell Lee published a tweet storm that featured screenshots of Ellison’s unsealed guilty plea transcript. Russell Lee said

President of Brazil Sanctions Cryptocurrency Law

President Jair Bolsonaro has approved law 14.478, which regulates cryptocurrency-related operations and virtual asset service providers (VASPs) in Brazil. The document, approved on the last day of the period allowed, will begin to be applied 180 days after its sanction. This will give all parties a period to adapt to compliance. Cryptocurrency Law Finally Sanctioned in Brazil Brazil has, at last, approved its cryptocurrency law in the nick of time. After having completed almost the whole period for taking action, President Jair Bolsonaro signed bill 14.478 into law on Dec. 21, when it was published in the Official Journal of the Union, the government publication of the country. With Bolsonaro’s sanction, exchanges and other organizations subject to the law will have 180 days to prepare to comply with the new directives. However, if Bolsonaro had not sanctioned the law, the project would have returned to Congress, with the opportunity of being sanctioned by the Senate and the Deput

Italy and Albania Bust €15 Million Crypto Investment Scam

Authorities in Italy and Albania have hit a fraud scheme enticing victims with promises of low-risk investments in cryptocurrencies. During an operation coordinated by Eurojust, investigators from the two countries searched a dozen locations and seized assets and computer equipment. Fraudsters Contacted Investors From a Call Center in Tirana, Albania Law enforcement officers in Italy and Albania have taken down an online fraud scheme offering fake investment opportunities related to cryptocurrencies. The investigation was carried out with the support of Eurojust, the EU agency responsible for judicial cooperation in Europe. Authorities participating in the joint operation have seized €3 million (almost $3.2 million) worth of assets from the crime group that organized the scam. The total losses resulting from its activities have been estimated at €15 million (over $15.9 million), Eurojust detailed in a press release. The perpetrators operated a call center in the Albanian capital
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