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Showing posts from February 3, 2025

Nobel Laureate Eugene Fama: Bitcoin Is Doomed to Be Worthless

Nobel laureate economist Eugene F. Fama predicts bitcoin’s collapse, estimating its chances of survival as nearly zero and dismissing it as worthless. Nobel Economist Says Bitcoin’s Collapse Is Near Certain Eugene F. Fama, a Nobel Prize-winning economist known for his work on asset pricing and the efficient market hypothesis, believes bitcoin will ultimately become worthless. […]

Elon Musk Calls for ‘Massive Reset’ of US Tax Regulations—Says They’re ‘Torturing’ Americans

Elon Musk says the U.S. tax code is torturing Americans, demanding an urgent reset while slamming wasteful government spending and pushing for massive federal budget cuts. Elon Musk Slams US Tax Code as Torture Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk is pushing for a complete revamp of the U.S. tax structure, arguing that existing policies […]

Thailand SEC Embraces Blockchain: Plans to Launch DLT-Based Debt Instrument Trading System

Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission is planning to launch a blockchain-based debt instrument trading system that encourages securities firms to trade digital asset tokens. SEC Considers Token Fundraising Thailand’s securities regulator has said it plans to launch a blockchain- or distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based debt instrument trading system. The regulator said it hopes to convince […]

Bryan Johnson of ‘Don’t Die’ Fame Wants to Launch a Token

The millionaire founder of Braintree who spent $2 million to reverse his biological age by more than five years now wants to try his hand at crypto. Longevity Extraordinaire Ponders Token Launch Bryan Johnson, star of the new Netflix documentary “Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to Live Forever,” hasn’t just been contemplating the impact […]
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