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Introducing MetaWars: A Strategic Blockchain-Based Game in the Metaverse

MetaWars is a highly immersive multiplayer strategy game. With an infinite universe that is established in a digital metaverse, players can use a wide variety of NFTs to determine the journey they take in-game. MetaWars allows players all around the world to earn through gameplay, “adopting blockchain into the thriving gaming industry”. The Booming Game Industry The global gaming industry market size is flourishing with a staggering 48% on mobile game returns in 2020. With the rising popularity of the gaming industry, investors are searching for blockchain-based games to play-to-earn and experience state-of-the-art innovations. MetaWars hopes to provide a highly addictive NFT gaming experience for everyone to enjoy and gain profits from interactive challenges and quests. Introducing MetaWars MetaWars is a futuristic sci-fi strategy game with a multi-layered, critical tactic battlefield, allowing players to monetize from the game’s war economy. Players can picture themselves in a

London College Student Robbed at Knifepoint by 8 Thugs for $93K in Bitcoin

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the campus and he moved back home. Freshmen College Student Loses Bitcoin in an On-Campus Mugging A recent report shows that a college student who started the year as a freshman was robbed at the University of Kent, a school located in the historic city of Canterbury. The student’s mother details that five days before starting his course, her son started to talk about cryptocurrencies with a friend from the school. “They were just having lads’ talk. [Then] the conversation turned to [finance] and the friend started talking about cyber currency,” the student’s mother explained. After the discussion, the boy’s friend alleges that the student brought eight friends from East London to visit the student’s room and he instantly “knew he was in trouble,”

Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers: Cryptocurrency Will ‘Do Better Regulated’

Former U.S. treasury secretary and chief economist at the World Bank, Larry Summers, says cryptocurrency will do better regulated in a sound way instead of being treated as a libertarian paradise. Larry Summers Sees Crypto Benefiting From Strong Regulation Lawrence Summers, who served as the Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration and director of the White House National Economic Council in the Obama administration, talked about cryptocurrency regulation during an interview with Bloomberg Friday. A former chief economist at the World Bank, Summers is currently Harvard University’s President Emeritus. He was asked why regulators worldwide are “deeply skeptical” about cryptocurrencies. China, for example, has been cracking down on crypto activities. Summers began by stating that the word “crypto” suggests a “desire for secrecy with respect to large financial sums,” elaborating: When you have large financial sums happening in secret, you have risks of money launderi

Indonesia Will Not Ban Cryptocurrencies Like China, Minister Says as Crypto Trade Soars

Authorities in Indonesia do not intend to follow China’s example of imposing an outright ban on cryptocurrencies, a government official said, noting the country will limit itself to ensuring they are not used in illegal activities. The statement comes after local crypto exchanges registered a serious increase in turnover this year. Indonesia to Tighten Regulations Without Prohibiting Crypto Transactions The Indonesian government will not follow in the footsteps of China, which has confirmed a ban on all cryptocurrency transactions, the country’s Minister of Trade Muhammad Luthfi emphasized in comments to local media. The official added, however, that the government is looking into how to make them less prone to being used in illegal financial activities. Quoted by Berita Satu and the Jakarta Globe, Luthfi stated: We don’t prohibit it, but we will tighten the regulations. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, and dogecoin are currently regarded as assets and commodities in

LD Capital Establishes $50M FOF for Supporting High-Quality Blockchain Funds Worldwide Including 1kx

PRESS RELEASE. LD Capital announced it established a 50 million US dollars FOF towards supporting high-quality blockchain funds worldwide. Besides the financial support, hundreds of the projects invested by LD Capital will be shared as resources to the participated funds with post-investment services such as strategy consulting, market growth, and capital relations to enable the outstanding blockchain projects. LD Capital FOF has invested in well-known global funds like 1kx, Kraken Ventures, Republic, Shima Capital, Big Time Eco-fund, Signum Capital, and Hero Ventures. LD Capital FOF will continue to invest global top tier blockchain funds, reach strategic cooperation with more outstanding funds, enable excellent blockchain projects, and promote the development of the blockchain industry. LD Capital is a leading crypto fund in investment and trading in primary and secondary markets, whose sub-funds include dedicated eco fund, FoF and hedge fund. Owing to industrial resources and p

The ‘Feels Guy’ Gets Blockchained — Rare Wojak NFT Project to Launch 4,000 Randomly Generated Wojaks

While Pepe the frog and Doge made it into the limelight with unique and rare non-fungible token (NFT) assets, another NFT meme collection tied to the infamous 2010 meme “Wojak” has entered the fray. A new NFT collection stemming from the web portal called has leveraged the notorious, old-school meme to release a compilation of Rare Wojak NFTs via the Solana network. Meet the Rare Wojak NFT Collection Wojak is an 11-year-old meme that appeared on the now-defunct imageboard Krautchan and after the picture went viral it could be seen regularly on sites like 4chan. Wojak has a number of variants. The meme is also known as “Feels Guy” as people used to comment “I know that feel bro” after posting the meme. One notable Wojak variant is the “NPC Wojak,” which became a viral visual interpretation of individuals who can’t think for themselves. Alongside “NPC Wojak,” there’s also the “Coomer,” the “Doomer,” and “Soyjak.” Just like Doge and Pepe the frog , Wojak is a popular me

USDC Market Capitalization Hits $30 Billion — Stablecoin Adds $10 Billion in 4 Months

As of September 25, 2021, there’s $129.3 billion worth of stablecoin assets in existence which represents 6.54% of the crypto economy. The second-largest stablecoin by market valuation, USDC, has seen its capitalization increase a great deal, rising more than $10 billion in 125 days. Since May, USDC’s Market Cap Increased by 54% In recent times, News has reported on the growth of tether (USDT) as the market capitalization of USDT is near $70 billion today as the supply increased 1,500% in five years. Following that report, our newsdesk reported on the decentralized stablecoin called DAI, which is issued by the Makerdao project. DAI’s market capitalization increased more than 800% in 12 months and today the aggregate total of all the DAI in existence is worth $6 billion. Now the second-largest stablecoin by market capitalization, usd coin (USDC) , just recently grew significantly in a mere four months to $30.9 billion. USDC is issued by the Centre Consortium which is

US Senator Calls on SEC Chairman to Provide Regulatory Clarity on Cryptocurrencies

A U.S. senator has asked the chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Gary Gensler, to provide clear guidance on cryptocurrency regulation. The senator stated that in many enforcement actions, “the SEC did not identify the securities involved or the rationale for their status as securities, which would have provided much-needed public regulatory clarity.” US Senator Wants SEC to Provide Clear Guidance on Crypto Regulation Senator Pat Toomey, Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, wrote a letter to SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Friday regarding cryptocurrency regulation. His letter followed Gensler’s testimony before the Senate Banking Committee last week. Toomey began: I write to follow up on the concerns I expressed at the hearing about the need for regulatory clarity around emerging technologies like cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins. Noting that “For investors to benefit from a fair and competitive marketpl

US Lawmakers See China’s Authoritarian Crackdown on Crypto as Big Opportunity

Several U.S. lawmakers see China’s authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, including bitcoin, as “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.” One senator noted that it is “a reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.” US Lawmakers Comment on China’s Cryptocurrency Crackdown Following the latest news of China’s crackdown on cryptocurrency, several U.S. lawmakers have shared their views on the situation. Senator Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania said: China’s authoritarian crackdown on crypto, including bitcoin, is a big opportunity for the U.S. It’s also a reminder of our huge structural advantage over China. “Beijing is so hostile to economic freedom. They cannot even tolerate their people participating in what is arguably the most exciting innovation in finance in decades,” he added. “Economic liberty leads to faster growth, and ultimately, a higher standard of living for all.” The pro-bitcoin senator from Wyoming, Cynthia Lummis, who has been

Court Extends Detention of Finiko Pyramid Founder Doronin and His Right-Hand Man

A court in Tatarstan has extended the detention of Kirill Doronin, founder of Russia’s largest Ponzi scheme in recent times, Finiko. Doronin will spend at least two more months in custody as authorities fear he could hide from law enforcement. Ilgiz Shakirov, vice-president of the crypto pyramid, remains under detention as well. Finiko Mastermind Doronin Denied House Arrest Vakhitovsky District Court of Kazan, the capital of the Russian republic of Tatarstan, has decided to keep the two most prominent figures of the Finiko crypto pyramid in custody. This week, the court announced it has extended the detention period for Kirill Doronin, who established the Ponzi scheme in December 2018, until Nov. 28. Finiko defrauded hundreds of thousands of investors before it collapsed in July this year when he was arrested. Three lawyers representing Finiko’s founder asked judicial authorities to place Doronin under house arrest, insisting he has to look after his wife, pregnant with their thi

A Rocky Start for Bukele’s Bitcoin Law — El Salvador After Adoption

The adoption of bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador has been one of the biggest events in the cryptocurrency world this year. However, Nayib Bukele, president of the country, has taken a course of action many consider mistaken. In any case, the Bitcoin Law has put Bitcoin in the global spotlight as a potential engine for financial change in the Central American country. Bukele’s Bitcoin Law Barges In When President Nayib Bukele announced he would push to approve a law declaring bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador, he might not have expected to set in motion all of the events that have happened as a consequence of that decision. Be it for people that approve of this decision, or citizens that are not comfortable with it (most Salvadorans, according to some polls), bitcoin has become a part of the political panorama in the country. As such, it is being harnessed by political agents as a very important part of Bukele’s mandate. The irruption of bitcoin, a totally external element,

Bhutan Partners With Ripple to Pilot Digital Ngultrum on a Private Ledger

The Central Bank of Bhutan, the Royal Monetary Authority (RMA), has partnered with Ripple to start testing a model of its central bank digital currency (CBDC) using Ripple’s technology. The test will be using Ripple’s own CBDC private ledger, to support similar use cases. The pilot test will include retail, cross-border and wholesale payments for the proposed CBDC. Bhutan Involves Ripple in CBDC Pilot Test Bhutan, a small country located in the south of Asia, is working on the issuance of a central bank digital currency of its fiat currency, known as the Ngultrum. The nation will be partnering with Ripple, the cryptocurrency and payments company, to pilot test the digital currency in different use cases. The Royal Monetary Authority (RMA), Bhutan’s central bank, will use Ripple’s technology for the tests. This pilot provides yet another example of a country approaching the digital currency world as a way of improving access for citizens to financial services. In this regard, Bhuta

These 3 NFT Projects Collectively Captured Over $10 Billion in Sales

Non-fungible token (NFT) assets have taken the world by storm in 2021 and three current projects in the NFT universe have seen sales stretch into the billions. Statistics show that the NFT marketplace Opensea, the blockchain NFT game Axie Infinity, and the digital collectible series Cryptopunks have collectively captured over $10 billion in sales. Opensea, Axie Infinity, Cryptopunks Crack $10 Billion in Sales As the end of September approaches, the combined sales of three distinct NFT projects have made more than $10 billion in all-time sales. All three projects are unique as well, as the leader in NFT sales, Opensea, is a marketplace that allows users to purchase and sell a wide variety of NFT collectibles from the Ethereum and Polygon networks. To date, Opensea has seen $6.85 billion in total sales among 452,319 traders, according to ’s NFT market stats. Opensea has seen a monthly increase of around 74.26% as it has captured $3.78 billion in sales over the last 30 d

Morgan Stanley’s Executive Likens Bitcoin’s Resilience to Kenny Who Dies in Every South Park Episode

Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s Dennis Lynch, says that bitcoin’s resilience is like Kenny from the popular TV series South Park. In almost every episode, Kenny comically died but always came back, just like how bitcoin bounces back every time after a bear market. Bitcoin Is Similar to Kenny in South Park, Says Morgan Stanley’s Executive Morgan Stanley’s Dennis Lynch talked about bitcoin’s resilience at Morningstar’s annual investment conference Thursday. Lynch is head of the Counterpoint Global team at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, the bank’s asset management arm. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1998 and has 27 years of investment experience. The Morgan Stanley Counterpoint Global team “invests primarily in established and emerging companies globally,” the firm’s website describes. Lynch compared the cryptocurrency’s ability to recover and bounce back from bear markets and massive sell-offs to Kenny, a character from the popular TV cartoon series South Park, stating:

Small Business Owners Study Says Los Angeles Ranks the Most Crypto-Friendly City in the US

A recent study conducted by the online invoicing company that works with small businesses Skynova explains that the city of Los Angeles (LA) is the “most crypto-friendly city in the United States.” Skynova surveyed close to 600 small business owners and top-level executives from the U.S. in order to get their perception of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. LA Ranks the Most-Friendly Crypto City in Recent Small Business Owners Study According to a research study which leveraged nearly 600 executives and small business owners, LA ranks #1 when it comes to crypto ATMs, and merchant acceptance. The Skynova study called “Accepting Bitcoin,” that attempts to determine the most bitcoin-friendly cities in America today. “32% of small businesses owners and top-level executives said that their business currently accepts cryptocurrencies,” the Skynova researchers detail. Moreover, bitcoin ( BTC ), bitcoin cash ( BCH ), and ethereum ( ETH ) are “the most commonly accepted cryptocurrencies.” “Los

Protect Yourself With the Sim Encriptados, Travel to More Than 200 Countries, and Communicate With Security

PRESS RELEASE. When people talk about technology, the first thoughts are cell phones, applications, or equipment; but you rarely recall Sim Cards. Those small cards people often despise, thinking that they are only chips that you use to call or have data. Contrary to this, Sim Cards store much more information than you imagine, storing in addition to your number, contact information, chats, photos, and even financial data. Bet you didn’t know that. This is why Sim Cards have become one of the favorite targets of cybercriminals because, by squeezing them, they will be able to obtain sensitive information with which they will commit a large number of computer crimes. Faced with this situation, today people have begun to see a new trend in communications that assure privacy, security, and anonymity, it is about Encrypted Sim Cards. What is an Encrypted Sim Card? An Encrypted Sim Card is an ultra-secure chip built with state-of-the-art technology and protocols based on cybersecurity,

Kentucky Sends Cease and Desist Order to Crypto Lending Platform Celsius Over Interest-Bearing Accounts

Six days ago, the securities regulators from New Jersey and Texas cracked down on the cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius. Additionally, the Alabama Securities Commission joined in and filed a cease and desist order against Celsius. Now the state of Kentucky is following suit and has filed a cease and desist order against the crypto lending platform. Kentucky Sends Cease and Desist Order to Celsius Four states in the U.S. have an issue with the cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius and the company’s interest-earning accounts. The same issues have affected the crypto lender Blockfi as well, as multiple states sent orders to the company over its interest-bearing accounts. After New Jersey, Texas, and Alabama cracked down on Celsius, Kentucky is now telling the firm it needs to stop “soliciting or selling” its interest-bearing accounts to Kentucky residents. Similar to the rest of the state regulators from securities departments, Kentucky’s regulator believes the Celsius intere

Gavin Andresen Publishes Theory of Possible Crypto Future: Whales Shut Down the BTC Network in the Year 2100

On September 21, former Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen published an interesting blog post about “a possible [Bitcoin] future.” The blog post details a theoretical situation for the Bitcoin network in 2061, where most [bitcoin] transactions don’t happen on the [Bitcoin] network. A Theoretical Look at $6 Million Dollars per Bitcoin and the Year 2061 Following Satoshi Nakamoto’s departure from Bitcoin in 2010, for a few years, Gavin Andresen was considered the software’s lead maintainer after Nakamoto left him the keys. In 2011, Bitcoin developer Mike Hearn also claims he received an email from Satoshi which said that the blockchain inventor “moved on to other things” but also added, “It’s in good hands with Gavin and everyone.” However, Andresen is not the lead maintainer anymore, and has not been an active Bitcoin Core developer in years. Censored on Reddit r/bitcoin (I think, but maybe I’m just not looking in the right place) — Gavin Andresen (@gavinandresen) September 22, 20

10 Crypto Exchanges File for Registration With Korean Regulators Ahead of Deadline

Cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea have until midnight on Friday to register with financial authorities in order to continue operating legally. Only 10 digital asset trading platforms have already submitted their documents to the Korean anti-money laundering body. Compliance Deadline for New Korean Crypto Regulations Expires Friday Registering with Korea’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) is a key requirement for both local and foreign crypto exchanges providing services to Korean investors under the tougher new regulations coming into force after Sept. 24. A total of 10 out of dozens of coin trading platforms have so far filed applications with FIU, the anti-money laundering division of the Financial Services Commission ( FSC ). The group includes Upbit, Bithumb, Coinone, Korbit, and Flybit, Yonhap reported, quoting the body on Friday. South Korea’s revised Special Funds Act, which introduces the stricter rules, took effect on March 25 and will be enforced now, after a six-

China’s Crypto Crackdown: Fundamentals Still Show Bull Market Continuation, Bobby Lee Says ‘Don’t Panic’

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the country’s central bank, published a Q&A to its website which said that Chinese citizens participating in virtual currency exchange offshore is “considered illegal financial activity.” The PBOC also reiterated comments it had made in the past stressing that “financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions” cannot process crypto payments. China’s Central Bank Shakes Crypto Markets The cryptocurrency economy shuddered on September 24 after China’s central bank once again said decentralized virtual currencies are not welcome in the country. The PBOC has been saying things like this since 2013 and then four years later, they banned crypto exchanges operating domestically in 2017. In 2021, as the crypto economy reached new heights in value, the Chinese government cracked down on bitcoin miners operating in the country. This caused Bitcoin’s global hashrate to plummet a great deal and many Chinese miners migrated to other regions. Tod

Smart Marketing Token (SMT) Is on a Mission to Help Blockchain Projects Reach Their Goals

Blockchain developers can find it very daunting to attract an audience these days, when so many new ventures are hitting the market at an ever increasing pace. This is why Smart Marketing Token stepped up to help projects with promotion, so they can reach all their goals and spread the word about blockchain technology around the globe. SMT Is Building on the Success of Student Coin Smart Marketing Token is a tokenized marketing agency that will be responsible for promoting tokens created on the Student Coin Terminal . SMT will be providing promotional services for ICO, IDO, and IEO. All of the assistance will be billed based on the commission from the generated net profit. All ICOs Launchpads that will be listed on Student Coin Terminal will be promoted by SMT, and the service will cost just 3% of the total net profit raised in funding on STC Ecosystem. If you are not yet familiar with this ecosystem, Student Coin is a platform that allows users to easily design, create, and mana
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