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Robert Kiyosaki Warns of Economic Chaos, War Breaking Out, Gold Crashing

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has warned of economic chaos, a war breaking out, hyperinflation, and rising starvation. Commenting on de-dollarization on a “massive scale,” he stressed: “It’s a weaponization of our U.S. dollar against the world … It’s all coming down fast right now.” Robert Kiyosaki on De-Dollarization on ‘Massive Scale’ The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, is back with more dire predictions about the U.S. economy, the dollar, and global economic chaos. Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for over six years. Over 32 million copies of the book have been sold in over 51 languages across more than 109 countries. During his Rich Dad radio show, which aired last week, Kiyosaki discussed de-dollarization with Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments. Schectman began by highlighting recent events that led to what he described as “de-

Coinbase Shares Wells Response, Challenges SEC’s Change in Attitude Towards Its Core Businesses

On April 27, Coinbase, the crypto exchange based in San Francisco, made public the disclosure of its response to the Wells notice it had received from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) back in March. The company maintained that the regulatory body’s enforcement actions were in direct contrast to the agency’s previous approval of the firm’s public listing via its S-1 filing. Coinbase asserted in its response to the SEC that it is the “innocent investors who stand to lose the most from the commission’s abrupt about-face.” Coinbase Responds to U.S. Securities Watchdog’s Wells Notice Coinbase’s CEO, Brian Armstrong, presented his company’s response to the U.S. securities regulator on Thursday, divulging their Wells response . In direct opposition to the SEC’s enforcement actions , Coinbase maintains a firm disagreement, while the correspondence made it clear that the regulator should have been aware of this stance when Coinbase went public. The animosity between the tw

Seoul Prosecutors Believe Terra Co-Founder Do Kwon Still in Possession of $100 Million Held in Swiss Bank Account

In the wake of the recent legal action against ten associates of Terraform Labs, which included the co-founder Shin Hyun-seong, known to many as Daniel Shin, it appears that prosecutors from Seoul are convinced that Terraform Labs and co-founder Do Kwon are still in possession of a considerable sum of money, specifically 130 billion won ($100 million), held in a Swiss bank account. South Korean Prosecutors Claim Do Kwon and Terraform Labs Still Own $100 Million Tucked Away in a Swiss Bank Account, SEC Complaint Backs Theory As reported by Park Beom-soo, a local journalist, following the Terraform Labs indictment , Do Kwon and his associates allegedly transferred 10,000 bitcoin (BTC) to a fintech bank headquartered in Switzerland. Sygnum Bank, a digital asset financial institution based in Zurich, was reportedly the recipient of this sizable transfer. It has since come to light that the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor’s Office has been closely monitoring the movement of Terra-li

‘Not the Right Time to Stop’ Rate Hikes, ECB Chief Economist Says

Current indicators suggest the European Central Bank (ECB) should raise the interest rate in May, the monetary authority’s chief economist said. Future increases will depend on the economic data but this is still not the right time to stop, according to Philip Lane who believes the bank has to bring inflation back to the 2% target “in a timely manner.” Leaving Interest Rate at Current Level Would Be ‘Inappropriate’ Despite Falling Inflation, Lane Says Inflation in the euro area has dropped significantly between October, when it peaked at 10.6%, and March’s 6.9%. Nevertheless, the most important goal for its central bank is to make sure that it gets closer to 2%, Chief Economist of the ECB Philip Lane told Le Monde in a recent interview published by the bank on Tuesday. While easing in some sectors, such as energy, inflationary pressures persist in others, like food, the top official noted, warning there’s a risk of “sticky” inflation. This is why it’s important that the ECB raises

Iskra Ranks #1 on Dapp Radar Setting the Pace for World of Win’s IGO

PRESS RELEASE. Web3 game company Iskra unveils the release of its own launchpad for games, the Iskra Launchpad , with World of Win set to be the first project to conduct its initial game offering (IGO) on the platform. The release of the Iskra Launchpad comes right after Iskra dominated the number one spot on DappRadar’s blockchain games dapp rankings for all periods – 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days – with 669.27k UAW as of writing and cited as one of the best-performing games dapp for March 2023. The Iskra Launchpad is a platform that allows game companies working with Iskra to promote their tokens to the Iskra community via IGO before its official listing on an exchange. Through the Iskra Launchpad, the Iskra community will have the opportunity to discover visionary games at an early stage and purchase tokens at its offering price. While tokens purchased on the Iskra Launchpad during an IGO are locked and subject to a vesting and distribution schedule, every IGO token has a

BRICS Currencies to Have No Alternative, Former Russian President Medvedev Says

Fiat currencies of BRICS member states will have no alternative in the future, according to former President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Nations in the bloc need to think about their digital forms and a digital currency issued by the group as a whole, the Russian politician said. Ruble, Yuan, Other BRICS Currencies to Take Over After Euro Collapse, Dmitry Medvedev Predicts Russia’s former head of state, Dmitry Medvedev, does not rule out the collapse of the common European currency and a return to national fiats on the Old Continent. “It is absolutely certain that financial shocks in Europe will not keep you waiting,” he was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosti news agency. The euro, already not too resistant to external influences, has started losing its role as a universal means of payment, Medvedev pointed out. Therefore, it is likely that Europe will return back to “the system of financial patchwork with national currencies. Well, then goodbye euro, hello mark, lira, and French f

Brazil’s President Lula Voices Support for BRICS Currency

Brazil’s president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has expressed support for the creation of a BRICS currency. His statement of support comes as the BRICS bloc is gaining global influence, with 19 countries seeking to join the group. Brazilian President Lula Supports BRICS Currency Creation Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reiterated Wednesday that he supported creating a currency for trading between BRICS countries, Reuters reported. The BRICS nations comprise Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. In a speech during a trip to Spain, he said without providing further details: I am in favor of creating, within the BRICS, a trading currency between our countries, just like the Europeans created the euro. Lula’s support for the creation of a BRICS currency followed his statement urging developing countries to stop using the U.S. dollar and adopt local currencies instead. The Brazilian president said on April 13 during his visit to the New Development Bank in Sh

Russia Calls for Prevention of ‘Full-Scale World War III’ — Official Warns ‘World Tensions Are White-Hot’

A top Russian official has urged all countries to make efforts to ensure that the “threat of global confrontation, of a hot, full-scale World War III” does not materialize. “World tensions are white-hot indeed,” he warned. Russian Official: Full-Scale World War III Should Not Materialize The deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, urged all countries to make efforts to avoid the outbreak of a new, full-scale global conflict Tuesday while addressing participants in the Znanie (Knowledge) educational marathon. “I cannot say what the last straw, what the trigger may be. But it may happen at some point,” he was quoted by Russian news outlet Tass as saying. The official emphasized: We all need to work to ensure that this threat of global confrontation, of a hot, full-scale World War III should not materialize. Commenting on the current conflict between Russia and Western countries, he stressed that Russia has no desire to see a war break out. However, he said

BRICS Currency Will Erode US Dollar’s Dominance, Former White House Economist Warns

Former White House economist Joseph Sullivan has warned that a BRICS currency would erode the U.S. dollar’s dominance. If member nations use only a common BRICS currency for international trade, “they would remove an impediment that now thwarts their efforts to escape dollar hegemony,” he described. Former White House Economic Advisor on BRICS Currency and U.S. Dollar’s Reserve Currency Status A former White House economic advisor, Joseph Sullivan, discussed de-dollarization and the potential impacts of a BRICS currency on the USD in an opinion piece published by Foreign Policy Monday. The BRICS nations are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Sullivan was a special advisor and staff economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Trump administration. He is currently a senior advisor at the Lindsey Group, an economic advisory firm. Referring to the hypothetical BRICS currency as “the bric,” he warned: If the BRICS used only the bric for internati

Bitcoin Mempool Overwhelmed With 134,000 Unconfirmed Transactions Amid Price Volatility

Amidst the buzz surrounding bitcoin’s latest price surge, a significant number of transactions are currently clogging up the mempool. As of writing, 134,986 unconfirmed transactions await confirmation, and block times are lingering above the usual ten-minute mark. Bitcoin Transactions Backlogged as Mempool Reaches Higher Levels On the morning of Wednesday, News brought to light the decrease in Bitcoin’s global hashrate over the past 24 hours, currently hovering just above the 300 exahash per second (EH/s) range. Meanwhile, block intervals have slowed down and surpassed the average ten-minute mark, with the most recent block taking a total of ten minutes and 50 seconds to be validated. Even though bitcoin’s price initially soared past the $30K mark earlier today, by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on April 26, 2023, the value had regressed back to a low of $27,242. Since then, the price managed to jump back above the $28K zone . At present, the mempool remains packed with

Argentina Debates Dollarization in the Midst of Rampant Devaluation and Inflation

Javier Milei, a presidential candidate for the next election in Argentina, has presented a dollarization plan to fix the economy of the country if elected. The proposal, which has supporters and detractors, would aim to solve the historic devaluation of the Argentine peso and the 100%+ interannual inflation that Argentina registered in March. Dollarization Surges as Option to ‘Fix’ Argentine Economy Argentine economists and the population are debating dollarization as a possible solution to the devaluation and inflation problems the country is currently facing. The proposal, presented by Javier Milei, one of the strongest contenders in the next October presidential election according to several polls, includes the abandonment of the Argentine peso as a fiat currency, and the conversion of all deposits and reserves of the central and private banks to U.S. dollars. According to Milei, this would be one of the more feasible solutions to the myriad problems the national economy is fac

Golden Gate (GGX) Developer Insights and Novel DeFi

PRESS RELEASE. Golden Gate (GGX) is a novel interchain infrastructure protocol that eliminates Layer 0 communication friction by delivering protocol-agnostic communications and more secure liquidity transfer. Golden Gate mediates interchain communication via the Incentivized Message Delivery Protocol (IMDP), which uses a network of couriers running light clients to deliver messages for efficient cross-chain communication. Golden Gate supports the IBC, XCMP, and LayerZero communication protocols, amongst others, making it universally composable across Web3 infrastructure. With this architecture, Golden Gate delivers a next-generation programmable layer 0, enabling developers to leverage this technology stack to benefit their dApps and, ultimately, their end users. In practice, this means that developers will be able to deploy their dApps such that they are natively interoperable and protocol agnostic from day 1, abstracting away the need to worry about cross chain interoperability.

Economist Peter Schiff Warns US Will Default on Its Debt — Raising Debt Ceiling Will Make Problem Worse

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. will default on its debt obligations. He further stressed: “All the bad stuff that they’re saying is going to happen if we don’t raise the debt ceiling is guaranteed to happen because we do raise the debt ceiling.” Peter Schiff on U.S. Debt Default Economist and gold bug Peter Schiff warned Monday on the Peter Schiff Show podcast that the United States will default on its debt obligations and that raising the debt ceiling will have devastating consequences. Commenting on politicians claiming that the U.S. debt ceiling must be raised “because we pay our bills,” the economist argued: “We never pay our bills … We have $31.7 trillion in debt. That’s $31.7 trillion of bills that we have not paid. We didn’t pay them. We borrowed the money. And we want to keep on borrowing the money. Nobody wants to pay any of these bills.” Schiff cautioned: It’s only a question of time. It’s not a question of if. It’s just a question of when. We will defa

Economist Warns of ‘Catastrophic’ Fall in American Living Standard — Elon Musk Weighs in on De-Dollarization, US Dollar Weaponization

Economist Peter St Onge has warned that U.S. dollar weaponization will lead to “soaring inflation, a catastrophic fallen American standard of living, and a U.S. that falls off the world stage.” Commenting on the economist’s warnings, Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk weighed in on de-dollarization. De-Dollarization Happening Faster Than People Realize, Says Economist Economist Peter St Onge warned about the dire consequences of weaponizing the U.S. dollar in a video he posted on Twitter Monday. St Onge is a Research Fellow and the Mark A. Kolokotrones Fellow in Economic Freedom at the Heritage Foundation. Before joining the Heritage Foundation, he was a Fellow at the Mises Institute, a Senior Fellow at the Montreal Economic Institute, and an Assistant Professor of International Trade and of Marketing at Taiwan’s Feng Chia University. Citing a former Morgan Stanley analyst, Stephen Jen , stating that the U.S. dollar has already suffered a “stunning collapse” and is losing its reserve

Binance US Pulls the Plug: Voyager Purchase Deal Falls Through

According to the now-defunct crypto lender Voyager, Binance US sent a letter to the company “terminating the asset purchase agreement.” While the announcement was “disappointing” for Voyager, the firm maintained that its customers would still be receiving their cash and crypto through a “direct distribution” via the Voyager platform. Voyager’s Asset Purchase Agreement With Binance US Scrapped Towards the end of 2022, Binance disclosed that its US subsidiary had entered into a billion-dollar agreement with Voyager Digital Ltd. to acquire its assets. Despite objections from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the purchase was allowed to proceed after receiving court approval . However, on April 25, 2023, Voyager revealed that the deal was no longer moving forward. “Today we received a letter from Binance US terminating the asset purchase agreement. While this development is disappointing, our Chapter 11 plan allows for direct distribution of cash and crypto to customer

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Falls to $27,000 Ahead of US Consumer Confidence Report 

Bitcoin remained close to a four-week low on Tuesday, as prices fell to a support point around $27,000. The decline came ahead of this afternoon’s U.S. consumer confidence report, which is expected to fall from 104.2, to a reading of 104 in April. Ethereum was also lower, and approached a breakout below the $1,800 level. Bitcoin Bitcoin ( BTC ) continued to trade near a one-month low, as markets prepared for the upcoming consumer confidence report in the United States. Following a high of $27,701.26 during yesterday’s session, BTC /USD fell to a low of $27,070.85 on Tuesday. This is the weakest point that bitcoin has fallen to since March 28, which is when it last traded below $27,000. Looking at the chart, it appears that this drop took place as the relative strength index (RSI) moved back towards a floor at 41.00 At the time of writing, price strength is tracking at 43.14, following a failed breakout of a ceiling at 45.00. Should bears push the index below 41.00, there is a g

Ugandan High Court Rules to Uphold Central Bank’s Crypto Prohibition

A Judge of a High Court in Uganda recently dismissed an application which sought to quash a Bank of Uganda directive that barred licensed entities and individuals from facilitating crypto transactions. In his ruling, Justice Musa Ssekaana insisted that the central bank’s crypto prohibition does not amount to an infringement on property rights. Cryptocurrency an ‘Undefined’ Payment System in Uganda The High Court in Uganda recently dismissed an application that sought to upend a central bank directive that bars cryptocurrency transactions. In his ruling, the court’s Justice Musa Ssekaana, insisted that the Bank of Uganda (BOU)’s April 2022 directive does not infringe on individual property rights. Instead, the directive is an attempt by the central bank not to legalize the “undefined system as a payment instrument in Uganda.” As previously reported by News in May 2022, the BOU warned parties disregarding its directive that it will not hesitate to invoke “its powers under

China Pushes Digital Yuan for Wage Payments in Changshu

Changshu, a city in China with more than 1.5 million inhabitants, will pay public workers’ wages with the Chinese central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital yuan. The move marks an acceleration of the adoption plans that Beijing has for the digital currency, which has been included in some limited programs before. Public Employees in Changshu to Receive Payments in Digital Yuan The city of Changshu, with a population of more than 1.5 million, will be the first city to use the digital yuan to pay wages of public employees, according to reports from local media. The measure will affect public servants of government offices, as well as schoolteachers, medical staff, employees of state companies, and all who directly receive their wages from the city. The move is part of the plan of Jiangsu province, in which Changshu is located, to increase the usage of this kind of digital currency, which has not received the expected attention of the citizens, who still prefer to pay using a

Standard Chartered Bank: Crypto Winter Is Over — Bitcoin Could Reach $100K Next Year

Standard Chartered says crypto winter has ended and the price of bitcoin could reach $100K per coin by the end of next year. The global bank’s analyst has identified several factors contributing to the surge in the price of the cryptocurrency, including the recent turmoil in the banking sector. Standard Chartered Bank on Bitcoin Hitting $100K Global bank Standard Chartered said Monday that “crypto winter” is over and the price of bitcoin could reach $100,000 by the end of 2024. Standard Chartered’s head of digital assets research, Geoff Kendrick, explained in a note that bitcoin stands to benefit from various factors. They include the recent turmoil in the banking sector, a stabilization of risky assets as the U.S. Federal Reserve ends its cycle of interest rate hikes, and the enhanced profitability of cryptocurrency mining. The analyst wrote: While sources of uncertainty remain, we think the pathway to the USD 100,000 level is becoming clearer. A growing number of individuals

Bitget’s Native Token BGB to be Listed on Bitfinex, Driving Liquidity and Accessibility

Victoria, Seychelles, April 24, 2023 – Bitget , the largest crypto copy trading platform, announced that its native platform token BGB will be listed on Bitfinex, driving liquidity and accessibility while increasing its value and utility. The supported trading pair is BGB/USDT, and the trading service will be opened at Bitfinex. BGB is a utility token that plays a vital role in Bitget’s ecosystem, with a circulating supply of 1,400,000,000 BGB coins and a total supply of 2,000,000,000. It provides users with access to exclusive privileges and various rights on the Bitget exchange, including fee discounts, opportunities to join Launchpad and Launchpool to access high-quality tokens, vote for project listings, and so on. Gracy Chen, Managing Director of Bitget says , “ We are thrilled to see BGB listed on Bitfinex’s platform , reflecting the recognition and achievement of Bitget in the crypto space. With the ongoing initiatives to increase the usage and value of BGB, we expect tha

Ron Paul on the Future of the US Dollar: ‘The World Is Clearly De-Dollarizing’

Ron Paul, the former U.S. presidential candidate and former U.S. congressman, has stated that recent geopolitical events have caused nations to start ditching the U.S. dollar. Paul stated that the debasement of the currency, the manipulation of prices, and sanctions against other nations have made other countries afraid of holding dollars. Ron Paul Believes De-Dollarization Is Happening at a Rapid Pace Ron Paul, former U.S. presidential candidate and former U.S. congressional representative, has talked about how he believes de-dollarization is starting to accelerate recently, even if he does not know when the U.S. dollar will lose its reserve currency status. In the latest episode of “The Ron Paul Liberty Report,” his online videocast, Ron Paul clarified a global reduction in the percentage of reserves held in U.S. dollars is caused by several circumstances, including “America’s endless wars, sanctions, wokism, nihilism, and unconstitutional abuses.” About the consequences of th
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